Funny / Scary / Weird / Interesting things that you have to look up to translate šŸ˜‚

Lovely. Are these yours?

Yes. :slight_smile:


Loool so funny xd Also wondering how to translate it ; )

Thanks for explaining mokbang !
Wow nice mandu ! Their shape is really well done : 0
I also want to have a taste of these homemade mandu : p

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For food equivalents : sometimes, I met situations where it was necessary for cream cheese for example, itā€™s really raw ingredients for cooking channel and people who watch these shows maybe want to try and cook at home. If I say cream cheese, we donā€™t usually find this term in our cooking books.

Totally agree that if it doesnā€™t exist or sounds weird, better to let it : )

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There are certain slang words in English that mean something totally different than in Koreaā€¦like the name Bong Pal (characterā€™s name in Letā€™s Fight Ghost) would mean ā€œmarijuana smoking friendā€ in English speaking countries and dong is worse

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