German Subbers for Taiwanese Dramas wanted

Hello out there!

We are recruiting german subbers for the following dramas:

  • The Pursuit of Happiness: It might be unpopular at the moment, because many people don’t know it! Please watch it, convince yourself that it is really a good drama and help with subs! There are already 5 eps which aired and need some subbing!
  • Go, Single Lady: With Mike He is starting on 8th december 2013
  • Love to the Extreme - Ruk Sutrit (thai-drama)
  • Remembering Li Chuan - 遇见王沥川 (upcoming chinese-drama)

Please PM me, if you have any interests!

If you want to join, please write a reply or write me a private mail and which drama you’d like to work on.

Thank you very much for your help!

Your german mod
Soo Yun

Dear Soo Yun,

Having started only recently to add German subs to viki dramas I’m willing to help out if my contribution is wanted. Sorry to tell you that I can only sub from English to German and vice versa. So, if need be contact me via Viki.

