Goodbye Viki 😔

I wish you all the best and hope you enjoy your time elsewhere :sunflower:


Dear Anna and Justine,
I really appreciate all the hard work you’ve done. It was a pleasure to work with you two. And the beautiful coverpages will be missed by many for sure as well. But I totally understand where you are coming from. It sometimes really feels you talk to a wall when you want to adres issues with Viki Staff. Instead of trying to close the gap between us, the community, and staff only became wider and wider the last few years. Viewers seem more important then us dedicated volunteers. Of course that’s where the money is coming from but that doesn’t give Viki staff the right to treat us all like dirt.

I think it’s brave to leave, I have been thinking of doing the same for quite a few years but my love for Kdrama and the friends I made here keep me here.

I wish you two all the best in the future and feel free to sometimes still peek around and drop a note from time to time if you end up missing it sometimes.

Not sure if you still read this, have been sick with Corona so I only did read this just now.


All the best @justine_desmoulins @anna79_9. Hope you utilize your time for more productive stuff. I am so grateful to Viki volunteers, they are so nice! We always discuss so many things and get to know so many interesting things. Breaking the stereotypes, we are one big family under one roof, and that is Viki.

I started contributing in December 2021, when I nervously punched the ‘‘apply’’ button for my first project. Since then I made really good friends here, and I got to know some really amazing people. Some of them became really close!

But now, I am taking a break as well I guess. I will finish my current projects and take a break too.

Not that I don’t love Viki or feel fed up, but I don’t have time, I want to take care of my health (Viki helped me a lot when I was lowkey depressed. I met so many good and empathic people here).

I don’t want to contribute halfheartedly. My community (Hindi) is scattered so it feels so lonely to contribute alone. While I am also working with the English team, I miss that warmth in Hindi Community. :pensive:


Hey dudie, I hope you are doing well. Please take care!


Dear @justine_desmoulins , in life there are difficult periods that we have to go through, Viki is just that for everyone who regularly works on it, I would like you to give it a chance and stay on Viki because what we are going through there are also beautiful moments and especially a large selection of dramas that we can watch. Of course, there is a lot that I would change about the Viki, as would most of those who work regularly on it. But that will surely come later. So, be brave and wait a little longer.




Be it a dysfunctional family…


in response to one above - no danger of this becoming DF (drama fever, rip) …for one thing, they’d actually have to pay everybody first. somehow I don’t think that’s likely to happen, though it would have supported many women here and given them something during yes, a time of war, unrest, pandemic, and upheaval. I believe it would have shown us all respect as well. certainly would have been something most fans have always thought was happening and never has…

this site is simply a tool used by the billionaire to further their other projects, nothing more.

once you see it for what it is, the past was left behind when the original people sold it…and the principles with it. use it to further your knowledge of languages, or to get a certificate for other purposes. to fill time, to support grieving, the many uses of this site now.

to those leaving or thinking about it: to consider leaving is normal. to do so, is less usual but understandable. a hesitancy in taking up new projects given the atmosphere recently is certainly evident among many veterans…

to all of us, leaving or not, I wish the very best of luck and health to you, may heaven and earth protect you and keep you through any difficulty, be safe.




I totally agree with you. Viki, for many years, was a platform to spread love and share thoughts. Nowdays, it is just a platform to learn, to watch and things that can improve ourselves. Of course there are people trying to keep spreading the love, but as you said “the atmosphere” is different… What more can we do? Just help. Viki does our home, and everything good, at least for me. But right now… let’s try to keep it up, let’s continue spreading the love as we always do and just share thoughts as we always do as well. Of course is sad when someone is leaving but let’s persevere for those who are leaving or planning do.

I truly hope to everyone understand my message! Whether leaving or not… “keep smiling, keep shinning”. Friends are those who supports each other!

Thank you so much @anna79_9 & @justine_desmoulins. We’ll miss you so much!!


Love y’all
Nat ^^


Shut up!

Friendly :heart:



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Shut up!
Friendly :heart:

Sure thing :heart:. I see you are still working here, and I’m glad you are not leaving. Everything can be worked out; even if we don’t see eye to eye with the new changes.

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I’m looking forward to the auto translated only subtitles and how many customers will continue to subscribe when a majority of volunteers stops working for free :grin:


But Viki uses already paid subtitlers for some projects, these still need to be reworked, usually K-E and C-E. I’m sure auto-translation still needs a human to edit… just look at some assembly manuals (Anleitung) that are likely machine translated… they make at times no sense. :rofl:


And look at some manuals and instruction booklets of Chinese and Japanese products. The English is incomprehensible, and who knows whether it was a machine or a person using GT.


Basically, for all projects that don’t already have subs from the content provider… Try finding an unsubbed show these days. If you do, it’s still waiting for the staff subs to be loaded.

Well… quality is not the main goal here. :roll_eyes:


We could write and lament the shift over time from what was, to what is, and what likely shall be here. Instead, I would like to again thank the OP for their work here and wish them the best, outside of this site and it’s continued descent. Those of us staying are museum pieces, no longer even labeled as the volunteers we are in reality. It is natural for artisans to persist in quality, and resist machine-work.




When GT is better than humans it’s time to worry.


@justine_desmoulins @anna79_9,

Je suis vraiment triste d’apprendre votre départ :sob:
Il me semble avoir davantage croisé Justine qu’Anna sur la plupart des projets sur lesquels j’ai travaillé, mais je n’oublierai jamais vos conseils et tout ce que vous avez fait pour la communauté de traduction française sur Viki :heart:
Pour être honnête, je pense également à arrêter. Plus les années passent, et plus je me rends compte que le “nouveau” Viki n’est plus vraiment fait pour moi, mais que ma passion pour la traduction est toujours là (j’en ai même fait mon métier).
You will be missed girls :heart:


Annabelle, Justine, @anna79_9 @justine_desmoulins

C’est avec grande tristesse que je prends connaissance de vos messages sur le forum, après un long hiatus. Peut-être ne vous souvenez-vous pas de moi, mais je garde de très bons souvenirs d’avoir travaillé à vos côtés lors de mes premières années sur Viki. Vous avez su me guider, m’apprendre à m’améliorer, rendre le travail amusant et créer une communauté sur Viki. Je ne peux que vous souhaiter le meilleur pour l’avenir !
Je constate les mêmes choses que vous, après tant d’années sur cette plateforme. Mais… je vous avoue arriver à davantage tenir le coup en participant à quelques projets. Vous avez su vous investir pleinement dans cette aventure, et vous avez été plus que présentes pour représenter la communauté des bénévoles francophones. Je vous remercie pour votre travail et j’espère que vous vous souviendrez longtemps de nos belles aventures ici !

Bien à vous,
Ally :slight_smile: