Goodbye Viki 😔

Shut up!

Friendly :heart:



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I’m looking forward to the auto translated only subtitles and how many customers will continue to subscribe when a majority of volunteers stops working for free :grin:


But Viki uses already paid subtitlers for some projects, these still need to be reworked, usually K-E and C-E. I’m sure auto-translation still needs a human to edit
 just look at some assembly manuals (Anleitung) that are likely machine translated
 they make at times no sense. :rofl:


And look at some manuals and instruction booklets of Chinese and Japanese products. The English is incomprehensible, and who knows whether it was a machine or a person using GT.


Basically, for all projects that don’t already have subs from the content provider
 Try finding an unsubbed show these days. If you do, it’s still waiting for the staff subs to be loaded.

 quality is not the main goal here. :roll_eyes:


We could write and lament the shift over time from what was, to what is, and what likely shall be here. Instead, I would like to again thank the OP for their work here and wish them the best, outside of this site and it’s continued descent. Those of us staying are museum pieces, no longer even labeled as the volunteers we are in reality. It is natural for artisans to persist in quality, and resist machine-work.




When GT is better than humans it’s time to worry.


@justine_desmoulins @anna79_9,

Je suis vraiment triste d’apprendre votre dĂ©part :sob:
Il me semble avoir davantage croisĂ© Justine qu’Anna sur la plupart des projets sur lesquels j’ai travaillĂ©, mais je n’oublierai jamais vos conseils et tout ce que vous avez fait pour la communautĂ© de traduction française sur Viki :heart:
Pour ĂȘtre honnĂȘte, je pense Ă©galement Ă  arrĂȘter. Plus les annĂ©es passent, et plus je me rends compte que le “nouveau” Viki n’est plus vraiment fait pour moi, mais que ma passion pour la traduction est toujours lĂ  (j’en ai mĂȘme fait mon mĂ©tier).
You will be missed girls :heart:


Annabelle, Justine, @anna79_9 @justine_desmoulins

C’est avec grande tristesse que je prends connaissance de vos messages sur le forum, aprĂšs un long hiatus. Peut-ĂȘtre ne vous souvenez-vous pas de moi, mais je garde de trĂšs bons souvenirs d’avoir travaillĂ© Ă  vos cĂŽtĂ©s lors de mes premiĂšres annĂ©es sur Viki. Vous avez su me guider, m’apprendre Ă  m’amĂ©liorer, rendre le travail amusant et crĂ©er une communautĂ© sur Viki. Je ne peux que vous souhaiter le meilleur pour l’avenir !
Je constate les mĂȘmes choses que vous, aprĂšs tant d’annĂ©es sur cette plateforme. Mais
 je vous avoue arriver Ă  davantage tenir le coup en participant Ă  quelques projets. Vous avez su vous investir pleinement dans cette aventure, et vous avez Ă©tĂ© plus que prĂ©sentes pour reprĂ©senter la communautĂ© des bĂ©nĂ©voles francophones. Je vous remercie pour votre travail et j’espĂšre que vous vous souviendrez longtemps de nos belles aventures ici !

Bien Ă  vous,
Ally :slight_smile:




Are you back?

Why would she? By now, circumstances on Viki have gotten even worse than before she left. The real question is, "why are we still here? "



Someone mentioned her like she was talking to her, so I thought she was back here at RViki.

The real question is, "why are we still here? "

You and many are here for the LOVE you all have grown to have for your work as a volunteer to this site. To tell you the truth; a lot of these sites are disappearing, and the only one holding on so far is Rviki. Enjoy it while it last. Make the best of your time here and like you always Do give it your 100% best like you always do, and always will. Be proud of yourself that’s all that matters.