Goodbye Viki 😔

Dear Anna,
I’m so sad to hear that you are leaving Viki. Don’t know what happened but you will be missed. I enjoyed working with you a lot for the pass several years. I know Viki is changing so much and it’s a shame we are losing people like you and Justine. Good luck and enjoy life to the fullest.
Take care dear friend.




Je ne connais pas l’histoire, mais quelle grande perte pour Viki ! J’ai dĂ©butĂ© avec Anna et j’ai beaucoup appris. Ses supports m’ont beaucoup aidĂ©. En voyant son investissement, elle m’a donnĂ© l’envie d’amĂ©liorer mon travail en corrigeant mes erreurs et en faisant fructifier mon vocabulaire et j’ai fait un peu de chemin depuis.
Je ne lui ai pas dit, donc j’en profite pour le faire : “Merci Anna pour ton accueil, ta patience, ton investissement et ton dĂ©vouement.”
Je trouve dommage qu’il n’y ait pas plus de soutien de la part du site et qu’il ne tienne pas compte des recommandations de ‘grands piliers’ qui donnent Ă©normĂ©ment de leur prĂ©cieux temps bĂ©nĂ©volement pour fournir un travail de qualitĂ© et le faire Ă©voluer. C’est quand mĂȘme grĂące Ă  la contribution et la passion de chacun que le site continue de tourner. Dans la logique, ce n’est pas “aux bons” de s’en aller. Je vous souhaite le meilleur :wink:


Anna et Justine,
Comme c’est triste d’apprendre cette nouvelle, je ne savais pas qu’il y avait autant de problĂšme dans la stratosphĂšre. En tout cas, j’espĂšre, et je le souhaite, que vous aurez plus de temps pour vous Ă  l’avenir. J’ai Ă©tĂ© heureuse d’avoir pu faire un infime bout du chemin avec vous.
Bonne continuation Ă  toutes les deux :slight_smile:


@justine_desmoulins & @anna79_9

Hello les filles !
Comment ça ? Vous partez déjà ?!
AprÚs toutes ces années de loyaux services ?!
Je ne sais pas dans les dĂ©tails ce qui s’est passĂ©, Ă  part les quelques bribes d’info ici.

Je comprends votre choix et le dĂ©pit. Surtout que cette activitĂ© vous prend Ă  cƓur et que vous y avez mis beaucoup de vous-mĂȘme ces quelques derniĂšres annĂ©es.

Quant aux choix, ils n’ont pas dĂ» ĂȘtre faciles dans les 2 cas :
Soit accepter la situation, prendre son mal pour soi, jouer la carte de l’indiffĂ©rence et continuer. Je pense que vous avez dĂ» vivre cette situation par le passĂ©.
 dire stop et s’en aller.

Je suis navrée.
NavrĂ©e que vous n’avez pas pu ĂȘtre Ă©coutĂ©es comme vous l’auriez mĂ©ritĂ© et que malgrĂ© les efforts, ça ne s’est pas dĂ©nouĂ© paisiblement pour les 2 partis.
NavrĂ©e Ă©galement que Viki ne puisse pas connaĂźtre la partie que je connais de vous pour comprendre qui vous ĂȘtes.

Je ne sais pas si vous allez revenir de temps en temps sur Viki quand le temps aura fait son Ɠuvre, mais je pense que vous serez toujours bien accueillies par les membres de la communautĂ© qui vous ont tĂ©moignĂ© leur tristesse suite Ă  l’annonce de votre dĂ©part simultanĂ© ici.
Donc sait-on jamais

Et puis, si vous renoncez vraiment ou reviendrez que rarement, la vie ne s’arrĂȘte pas. Comme on dit, une porte de fermĂ©e, une fenĂȘtre d’ouverte (je connais pas l’expression).
Avec le temps que vous aurez, vous pourrez vous dĂ©couvrir une autre passion, dĂ©velopper un autre projet qui vous tient Ă  cƓur ou passer du temps avec votre chĂ©ri.

AprĂšs mon dĂ©part de Viki, j’ai changĂ© pas mal de choses dans ma vie. ChangĂ© de travail, fait du bĂ©nĂ©volat, quelques rencontres amoureuses (jamais comme dans les dramas), rencontrĂ© de nouveaux amis, regardĂ© quelques dramas (pas que sur Viki), toujours en train d’apprendre le chinois, rĂ©-apprendre l’espagnol et puis le russe bientĂŽt ou plus tard, me suis mise Ă  la poterie, Ă  la course Ă  pied en me torturant 20 km par semaine et aujourd’hui Ă  une salle de gym et la muscu pour les mini kg en trop et les tablettes de choco (B@sic fit! @anna79_9).
Je me suis ouverte beaucoup plus Ă  ce qui m’entourait et quand je regarde en arriĂšre, je pense Ă  ma pĂ©riode Viki avec nostalgie.
Je ne pourrai plus faire la mĂȘme chose, car j’avais besoin de changement, mais aussi de dĂ©couvrir le monde Ă  ma propre façon, voir ce qui m’intĂ©ressait outre Viki.

Bref, pour vous donner des nouvelles, vous rassurer que votre vie ne s’arrĂȘte pas malgrĂ© cette dĂ©ception et que dans mon Ă©tape sur Viki, j’en garde un beau souvenir parce que vous en avez fait partie, vous et bien d’autres.

Un grand merci de m’avoir accueillie, Justine, la premiĂšre mod qui a bien daignĂ© m’acccepter dans son Ă©quipe et depuis
 toute l’exploitation
 mais toujours dans la bonne humeur.
Un grand merci, Anna, d’avoir Ă©tĂ© lĂ  quand j’allais pas bien et pour toutes tes c******
 et les coups de fouet

Vous ĂȘtes devenues des amies et heureusement qu’il y a eu Viki pour ça. MalgrĂ© nos dĂ©convenues et notre perte de vue, je vous garde en tant que telles.
J’espùre que vous vous amuserez bien dans vos prochaines aventures.


So eloquent MaryK – expressing what all of us who know Justine and Anna would have liked to say. Bravo.


Chere Piranna, quelle histoire interessant comment tu as change ta vie, ton paragraphe m’a fait rire. :joy: Je suis heureuse de lire que tu vas tres bien.
Mes salutations, Simi :hugs:


You’ve already know what I think of you @justine_desmoulins and @anna79_9

I’m just disapointed, angry at @vikicommunity.

I have always been a witness of their commitment, their dedication to improve the world of the french community. Even in the english one.
They took me under their wings, trust me and make me who I am today.
Viki is a closed circle, we know that. Connections is a must.
These two don’t care about that, they don’t judge you and just help you with good guidances.
You will be miss.

I’m just scared for the futur of the french community, we all know that the number of abusers is multiplying. The quality of the french subtitles will decline, I’m sure.

When two pillars is leaving, @vikicommunity should ask itself some questions.

Thank you for all these years

(Without you, what’s a point of continuing)


Dear Anna,
I just read your message and I’m still in shock.
It was so sudden for me to hear about this news. But I hope all the best for you, I know that you must be thinking about this a lot before finally coming to this decision. I’ll always support you.

Thank you so much for being a really good partner on the projects where we were working together. Thank you for being a good teacher when I was still a newbie here. I learn a lot from you and it was really meaning memory for me and I am really glad that I met such a great person like you.

I’ll really miss you. But as you said, we still can keep it touch through DM or we can follow each other on IG or twitter. If you don’t mind.

Thank you so much



Sincerely I am not shocked at all. I am also on a verge of letting go. I’m so feed up already.
Many of the veterans here knows me and knows how active and dedicated I was everyday. How many users I helped and guided durring my 12 years here. But Viki staff let me down. I don’t even know when it started to go wrong. I had the Romanian Subbing Academy in my care, it was my project and I did it all from scratch. At the beginning the Viki staff was enthusiastic and helped me a lot. There was always somebody to answer my questions or to solve an issue ASAP. If you remember when there was no designed subtitlers and we had to contact the staff many many times about the abusers. They answered right away and solved our issues in time so that our team will not be bothered and disturbed while subbing.
After a while
 as the veteran staffs also got away, slowly everything changed. I guess I still have tickets submited since months ago or over a year
 or I marked them solved, I don’t even know. The users I know as abusers are now GE, moderators, CMs. I mean
 how is that possible? I know users that dedicated years to contribute and guide others but finaly their inbox are now full of threats and Viki doesn’t care.

@anna79_9 , @justine_desmoulins I know how passionate and dedicated you were and people like you will never be forgotten. Glad I got to know you.
Be well and stay safe wherever you are and whatever you do. :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


I also think so. It’s like they are going to a wrong direction.


I wish you all the best and hope you enjoy your time elsewhere :sunflower:


Dear Anna and Justine,
I really appreciate all the hard work you’ve done. It was a pleasure to work with you two. And the beautiful coverpages will be missed by many for sure as well. But I totally understand where you are coming from. It sometimes really feels you talk to a wall when you want to adres issues with Viki Staff. Instead of trying to close the gap between us, the community, and staff only became wider and wider the last few years. Viewers seem more important then us dedicated volunteers. Of course that’s where the money is coming from but that doesn’t give Viki staff the right to treat us all like dirt.

I think it’s brave to leave, I have been thinking of doing the same for quite a few years but my love for Kdrama and the friends I made here keep me here.

I wish you two all the best in the future and feel free to sometimes still peek around and drop a note from time to time if you end up missing it sometimes.

Not sure if you still read this, have been sick with Corona so I only did read this just now.


All the best @justine_desmoulins @anna79_9. Hope you utilize your time for more productive stuff. I am so grateful to Viki volunteers, they are so nice! We always discuss so many things and get to know so many interesting things. Breaking the stereotypes, we are one big family under one roof, and that is Viki.

I started contributing in December 2021, when I nervously punched the ‘‘apply’’ button for my first project. Since then I made really good friends here, and I got to know some really amazing people. Some of them became really close!

But now, I am taking a break as well I guess. I will finish my current projects and take a break too.

Not that I don’t love Viki or feel fed up, but I don’t have time, I want to take care of my health (Viki helped me a lot when I was lowkey depressed. I met so many good and empathic people here).

I don’t want to contribute halfheartedly. My community (Hindi) is scattered so it feels so lonely to contribute alone. While I am also working with the English team, I miss that warmth in Hindi Community. :pensive:


Hey dudie, I hope you are doing well. Please take care!


Dear @justine_desmoulins , in life there are difficult periods that we have to go through, Viki is just that for everyone who regularly works on it, I would like you to give it a chance and stay on Viki because what we are going through there are also beautiful moments and especially a large selection of dramas that we can watch. Of course, there is a lot that I would change about the Viki, as would most of those who work regularly on it. But that will surely come later. So, be brave and wait a little longer.




Be it a dysfunctional family


in response to one above - no danger of this becoming DF (drama fever, rip) 
for one thing, they’d actually have to pay everybody first. somehow I don’t think that’s likely to happen, though it would have supported many women here and given them something during yes, a time of war, unrest, pandemic, and upheaval. I believe it would have shown us all respect as well. certainly would have been something most fans have always thought was happening and never has

this site is simply a tool used by the billionaire to further their other projects, nothing more.

once you see it for what it is, the past was left behind when the original people sold it
and the principles with it. use it to further your knowledge of languages, or to get a certificate for other purposes. to fill time, to support grieving, the many uses of this site now.

to those leaving or thinking about it: to consider leaving is normal. to do so, is less usual but understandable. a hesitancy in taking up new projects given the atmosphere recently is certainly evident among many veterans

to all of us, leaving or not, I wish the very best of luck and health to you, may heaven and earth protect you and keep you through any difficulty, be safe.




I totally agree with you. Viki, for many years, was a platform to spread love and share thoughts. Nowdays, it is just a platform to learn, to watch and things that can improve ourselves. Of course there are people trying to keep spreading the love, but as you said “the atmosphere” is different
 What more can we do? Just help. Viki does our home, and everything good, at least for me. But right now
 let’s try to keep it up, let’s continue spreading the love as we always do and just share thoughts as we always do as well. Of course is sad when someone is leaving but let’s persevere for those who are leaving or planning do.

I truly hope to everyone understand my message! Whether leaving or not
 “keep smiling, keep shinning”. Friends are those who supports each other!

Thank you so much @anna79_9 & @justine_desmoulins. We’ll miss you so much!!


Love y’all
Nat ^^