Happy Halloween

May you all have a wonderfully spooky night :ghost::jack_o_lantern::smile_cat:



@angelight313_168 @sonmachinima @mirjam_465 @frustratedwriter @piranna


Thank you, @adrianmorales! :slight_smile: You too!



Happy Halloween to both of you too @mirjam_465 and @adrianmorales (although 31st is almost over now, just an hour left for me)

:bat: :ghost:


Thanks, @twinkling, you too! And you can just go on partying all night, hahaha! :wink:


Happy Halloween to everyone :jack_o_lantern:
Lot of treats :lollipop::candy:


got a bunch of movies to catch up!


Thanks for the Halloween greeting I know you mean well. But if truth was to be told this Corona virus is Halloween enough everyone around the world east, west, south, north is wearing a masks. That in it self is spooky and not funny instead the virus is the REAL Halloween and ghost. So all we all can do is stay safe.:mask:

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It doesn’t mean we can’t dress up and have fun. Being sad and depressed won’t solve anything. I hope you have an awesome time, even if it’s just online.
Happy Halloween!:jack_o_lantern::ghost:


Lovely. Enjoy. :smiley_cat::movie_camera:

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Thank you @adrianmorales. I hope you had lots of fun too.

I was blessed with the most wonderful Halloween night. My youngest daughter had the most wonderful idea; to do a virtual halloween with my grandkids! So we send them candies via mail (costly lol). My oldest daughter put them away so the kids didn’t know and we all dressed up except my 18 year old grandson. Anyway we did the virtual thing as my granddaughters said trick or treat my daughter gave them the candy bags.

We talked for almost 2 hours and I discover that my granddaughter’s (8 yr. old) talent in drawing anime characters (the girls with those huge round eyes). Her drawings remind me of your love for drawing too, and I talked about my friend at viki who draws beautiful things too, and shares them with all of us. She also writes stories she makes up all by herself!

In all my life this was one of the best Halloween ever. I haven’t seen them for more than a year and with no hope of seeing them any time soon bc of all the restrictions with travel and such…


I’m glad you had such a fun and sweet time with your family. I truly hope your granddaughter continues to draw and write when she’s older. There is nothing worse than wasting your God-given talent just to do something that makes you unhappy. But I know she has an awesome grandmother who will always encourage her to follow her passions.
And you will see them. Just as the rainbow appears to stop the rain, this pandemic too will be stopped by a wonderful sign. We just need to have faith. :blush:


Amen to that. Thank you so much for your beautiful words. We spoke yesterday bc she’s 10 going on 20 (I wrote 8 instead of 10 lol shame on me). I had told her that she has to make her own character bc she can’t copy a character someone else has rights over them, and she created a character (looks a lot like her lol) and is now writing her new story.

She did research on what’s a copyright infringement and understood what I was telling her. She’s amazing bc she also can sing so beautifully, and even wrote a song!

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Happy Halloween Everyone!


Happy Halloween! :vampire:t3: