Happy holidays to all who celebrate this day

Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone!


Merry Christmas!!!


Merry Christmas everyone! :santa::partying_face:


Our snow melted away so fastโ€ฆ but a snowcat? too hard for me I can barely make a snowman lol

You are the expert iโ€™ll download yours and keep it with me always. Thanks for sharing!

PS Santa is in Italy now. When i first went it was in China. So much fun!


Happy holidays everyone! This certainly was a strange and difficult year but I am thankful for all that Iโ€™ve been blessed with.:blush: May the coming year bring us much more to smile about!


Killing time until we do skype sessions to see my grandkids opening their presents. We do it at 12 am not in the morning. Itโ€™s a Puertorican thing. We also celebrate Three Wise Man but gifts are simple things and the kids must put a shoebox under their bed with grass (so the camels eat it and leave a gift as a token of appreciation). Oh, is on January 6 for those gift.


Santa is in South Carolina in USA!!! Horray is now 11:22 pm. See you guys. Hope you all enjoying

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Itโ€™s super interesting to learn about your traditions :smiley_cat:
I hope you got to see your grandchildren and exchange gifts. :gift::sparkles:


This reminds me of Sinterklaas (December 5), when the children put their shoe by the chimney (or in modern houses by the front door) the evening before and they might leave a carrot in it for Sinterklaasโ€™s horse. When they wake up they find a little present in their shoe.


Yes I was able to see my grandkids via SKYPE open their gifts, and we talked until almost 2 am. I have a 17 yr old granddaughter that donโ€™t like to talk and my 18 yr.old grandson, but the 10 year old going on 30 makes up for both of them (lol) bc this girl is amazing how she talks about any subject with so much maturity. We call her the genius in the family (we are blessed to have a few genius).

I hope others share their traditions here that may even be similar to the one I mentioned before. We celebrate this on January 6 โ€˜โ€˜The Three Wise Menโ€™โ€™ (https://www.officeholidays.com/holidays/puerto-rico/epiphany)

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Do you have a link we can read about this tradition. I would love if you post that here. Btw, congrats I saw you are the CM of a drama in the works. Fighting!

PS. How is it so far? Like it? hate it? This is your first CM thingy?

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Yes! Thank you! :slight_smile:
Itโ€™s indeed my first, so I was pleasantly surprised. Yeah, so far I like it. It hasnโ€™t aired yet, though, so ask me again afterwards, haha. :wink:

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Merry Christmas, everyone. Iโ€™m currently watching Touch Your Heart and all the women are drinking this beverage. Does anyone know what it is? 45%20PM

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Well I see Santa Claus version but celebrated on December 5. Interesting about the what I see as the helpers (which are obviously the three wise men version not that they are) How do I know? because they come from Spain and in Puerto Rico our tradition runs back from Spain too (before the USA took over) and Mechor, Gaspar y Baltazar are also very dark in the figurines we buy. I was always curious why the Three wise Men were so dark (when I was young) There are several explanations but which one should we believe? Anyway, my tradition gives me another excuse to SKYPE again with the grandkids opening the gifts on january 6 and that one is only in the morning no after 12 am deal lol

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Funny enough to us they are two different persons. We call Santa Claus โ€œde kerstmanโ€ (= The Christmas man). :slight_smile:
Interesting how we both have traditions related to Spain!

Exactly. No-one really knows. Some years ago, when the discussions about Zwarte Piet started to become very heated, I tried to find the answer, but I only found more different explanations. One of the most interesting ones was that our white Sinterklaas and black Zwarte Piet formed a sort of Yin and Yang symbol.

I wish you a great party on SKYPE! :gift::flags::champagne::pie:

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Can you define in english what Zwarte Piet means? And thank you so much! I canโ€™t wait for january 6 to be here already, but am planning to go to bed early, and not receive the new year on Dec. 31st. awake! Iโ€™m so done with sad and anxious feelings as of what the new year will bring this time. Not having it.


Zwart = black.
Piet is a boyโ€™s name, like Pete.
In the tradition they are the helpers of Sinterklaas. Theyโ€™re usually the ones handing out the candy to the kids and making people laugh, while Sinterklaas is more serious.

Yeah, not sure what 2021 will bring โ€ฆ maybe just celebrate that we survived this year โ€ฆ :thinking: And avoid the news!
Either way, just do what feels best for you. :hugs:


happy new year yโ€™all



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I miss this so much from my Enchanted Island Puerto Rico

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