HOT FIX - Timed Comments Not Working

For PC users on a browser.
Follow the steps below.

Step 1 - Go to any show you wish to watch and select any episode.

Step 2 - Once the episode starts playing, click on the ‘next episode button’ on the bottom left next to the play button. This is the most important step.

Step 3 - A viki logo animation will appear before the episode starts(This is what you want to see) You should be seeing timed comments, if not, make sure you have timed comments activated.

Step 4 - IMPORTANT. You now have to select the episodes you wish to watch from the episodes button on the bottom right of the player next to the settings/gear icon.



Is this workable on all devices, and browsers?

This hot fix works for browsers on Windows PC.
The android viki app on my phone seems to work fine, doesn’t require to do this.
Not sure for IOS.

It shouldn’t matter for PC users whether if its windows, mac, linux, etc. This isn’t a user side issue but rather a system issue from viki. Timed comments will only show up if the episodes starts playing from the very beginning of the episode(with the viki logo animation) - if you leave and come back to the same episode, timed comments won’t show up anymore because the system remembers where you left off and it wont start from the beginning of the show. By clicking on the ‘next episode button’ this will somehow bypass the systems memory and triggers the episode to play from the start. The viki logo animation must show up and play for timed comments to work, this is probably coded in the system where the logo animation must be true for timed comments to be true as well. I hope the IT team look in to it.

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Uhmmm. . . I didn’t find the buttons mentioned in step 2, hence,my question. I’m using Android mobile, and can switch to a PC, desktop mode, using chrome as my browser.

The Android app works fine for me. Do you have the latest version of the viki app? if not, update it. If it still doesn’t work, try clearing the cache for the viki app.

The ‘next episode button’ on the android app is located on the bottom right side of the player - You must full screen your player to see the icon.

Oh, that feature has long stopped working for me. It always goes to the beginning of the episode - unless I haven’t closed that browser window.

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