How do I find people's profiles on Viki?


Thank you so much for that valuable information since it brings a bit of relief to my mind. Although, my son in law who is a Sergeant in the Police Force, was telling me that hackers/can still manage to get in somehow, and get more personal information about us; so he advised me to not put any personal information in the About Me or anywhere in here. Better yet, he advised me not to link twitter or facebook page with this forum. It so happens I don’t have a facebook or twitter page, and that makes me even more at ease…:sweat:

Have a joyous and wonderful rest of the week.

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Is bumping allowed? I was going to make a new topic of hints/tricks on Viki so others will know all the secrets Viki has to offer. Thank you for adding this way back in 2019(?).

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Not only is bumping allowed, it is preferred. They (the powers that be) would much prefer you to find an existing thread on a related subject than start a whole new one.


Great. Finding an existing thread isn’t all that hard so it’s the first thing I do.


I was going to make a new topic of hints/tricks on Viki so others will know all the secrets Viki has to offer.

ANXIOUSLY… :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: waiting for the goodies you’ll share with all of us.