I was working on English language subs for Tree with Deep Roots a couple of years ago and just in sight of having enough subs done to qualify for a free account when the whole project temporarily ground to a halt and I ran out of time to complete all the subs necessary.
And because I was very slowly recuperating from a bad, bad experience with long COVID in 2022, I did not have the energy to start over again.
So I just stopped being involved with subbing. I stopped involvement with wide-ranging discussions about life, the universe, and everything on the Discussion Board. I stopped with the even more chatty and much less restrictive Viki discussions on Discord. I just stopped.
I would like to start subbing again, but I have forgotten much of what I learned about subbing. (I am currently part of a longitudinal study on the effects of COVID on memory in older adults, and it is clear that there are some big holes in my long-term memory in a lot of areas.)
How can I get started (again) as a subbing maknae? I have no idea. Any information greatly appreciated.
Sorry, my reply isn’t about you making a restart at subbing, but your restart in life. I know too well how much energy one has to use to finally take one step after the other… I didn’t suffer from long covid but have my own story on daily fights mentally, physically and last but not least economically. I recall how vivid you were taking part here, especially when we went after the badges.
I wish you tons of energy, a great recovery and maybe one or two projects for you to take part.
You can directly contact people you’ve worked with in the same team and ask if they have any new projects available.
Note, your team is still editing translation on The Tree with Deep Roots. So you might still be able to continue working on that project. You should definitely contact cgwm808.
Alternatively, you just need to find a new series which is free for your region (US, right?). Then apply to the Chief English Editor (CE) that you want to be General Editor (GE).
No. I had brought the OP to do some pre-editing (formatting, romanization etc.) because she needed to get her Vikipass back, and she worked on a number of episodes. But now the pre-editing has been done, we are at the TE stage (ajumma2) and then there’s GE (me) and CE (cgwm808). Few more episodes to go.