I need Channel Manager, Subber and German Mods needed!

Hey there. Iam searching for help for these projects:

  1. https://www.viki.com/tv/29013c-love-is-back?q=love%20is%20back

      German Moderator
  2. https://www.viki.com/tv/29554c-gye-baek?q=gyeb

       German Moderator ( Only QC or living in one of the Amerikas)
  3. https://www.viki.com/artists/8315c-davichi?q=davichi

           Channel Manager
  4. https://www.viki.com/tv/32509c-immortal-songs-singing-the-legend?q=immort

            German subber 

Iam really looking forward to hearing from you… :slight_smile:

Hey! I can translate from English into German :slight_smile: I’m also free for other English - German Projects. Just massage me :slight_smile: