Iljimae need more volunteers to complete the drama in the following languages.
As I inherited the channel and don’t really have time to manage the page and update the list of those who already contributed, please click on the volunteers and check if the drama has or not moderator for the respective language. I will add anyone who’s QC and active subtitler as a moderator and editors are needed as well.
Please check the languages bellow:
Come and help out if you have some time to spare. The drama already aired and it’s 100% completed in english.
Hi. I’m the Croatian moderator on the project. It’s just temporarily on hold. Will be continued in ca 2-3 weeks time.However, subtitlers are more than welcome.
Din lipsa de timp,doresc o colaborare per proiect, cu un translator de limba engleza, de preferabil student/a (cu ceva timp liber la dispozitie si open mind)
Traducerea diverselor materiale video,cu exactitate si corectitudine, dupa sonor,din limba engleza in limba romana.
Materialele video ce trebuiesc translatate sunt din industria auto si industria spatiala, si fac parte dintr-un program de educatie nationala in domeniul tehnologic.
Plata serviciului se va face in moneda euro.
Materialul video va fi disponibil pentru traducator, pe un cont de stocare in cloud, in format mp4.
Traducerea se va aplica unor materiale video ,deci traducatorul va trebui sa aibe cunostinte de operare cu un soft de editare video, pentru a introduce pe imagini textul cu traducerea in limba romana.
Cu stima,
Cristian Miuta
Twitter: @cristian_miuta
i am new to VIKI and I never did a traduction here, so I don’t know well how it works but I can’t traduct korean to whatever, but I can speak English, French, German, Luxembourgish, Portuguese and Spanish so I could traduct eventually to one of those languages but only on a request per episode and if I find out how it works… Also there might be some mistakes when traducing because I can’t write one of those languages perfectly, altought I’ve know them for a very long time except spanish which I’m studying for 3-4 years now.