Incredible clips

  • Social experiment in the street:

When a poor boy lingers outside the cake shop on his birthday, what will happen?
Credits: TreeMan

  • Real, not an experiment:

Woman disguises 911 call by ordering pizza
Credits: KGET News

-Boy uses Siri to call 999 and save his mother


“When his mother wouldn’t wake up, the four-year-old named Roman used her thumb to unlock the phone, and use the Siri function to ask for help.
It dialed 999 and put Roman through to emergency services.”

Chief Superintendent Ade Adelekan said that this situation demonstrated the importance of teaching children their home address and what to do in an emergency situation.
He said: “If you do nothing else today, then I’d implore any parents of young children to sit down with them and make sure they know what to do in this kind of situation. As this case demonstrates so poignantly, it could really be the difference between life and death."


Wow, the first one was really touching, I got a lump in my throat. I didn’t even need to understand everything to understand kindness and generosity.

I remember reading about the woman calling the emergency worker and disguising it as a pizza order…she is very smart and I hope she was able to get out of that abusive situation.

As for the four year old, he is very well-spoken and polite for his age! I was surprised and glad that he was able to get help for his mom


Yes, I was “Poor boy!”
Yeah and it was a relief that the man over the phone understood it, not hanging up thinking it was a prank.

And teaching children at a young age simple things like his address, how to make a call, important numbers to call…