Is anyone having trouble with Synopses and Sub Punctuation Mistakes

First let me say a big “THANK YOU”, to all who write these synopses for each drama as well as the subbers in general.

I’m sorry, does this not bother anyone else?

  1. Comma’s (,) are used to separate words. They belong at the bottom of the in a sentence. (example). (Car, bus, truck) (example). 1,2,3,
  2. Apostrophes (’) are used to show possession and or omission of something, resulting in contracted words, or numbers sequence. They belong at the top of a word’s letters.
    Possessive example, (Jin’s dog)
    Contracted examples. (b). Didn’t (did not) Wouldn’t (would not). ©’99 (1999 etc.)
  3. There is no need for period and comma (.,) at the end of sentence, and beginning of the next.
    (ex.1) He was a young prince. Prince Jin was also a General. (Or) He was a young prince; he was also a General.
    These punctuation tools are not interchangeable. For natural English speakers as well as those new to it, seeing these mistakes, make it difficult to read and understand.

As far as for the synopses, the volunteers have no access to it.