Is anyone into ASMR?

You are most welcome. And I do have you covered.


oh I love his subtitles :heart::joy::joy: - and his cats!! I like watching Li Zi Qi and Dianxi Xiaoge too, once in a while. The videos are so relaxing


Oh, I love watching ASMR videos, it’s so calming! There are different ones I like to watch, some for cooking, some for beauty and others.

The channel of Twix, mostly spa, massage, beauty, hair-care:

Ecuador Live, it’s kind of weird, funny, I’m always amused about the tools, they are using, but I can’t explain it, but it’s nice:

The Japanese cooking channel Peaceful Cuisine:

Delicious Day - a Korean cooking channel with very nice recipes:


I’m not super into the eating but I enjoy watching the asmr cooking videos :slight_smile:
this lady has nice videos

also I like stuff like this
really cute videos she calls her bento boxes ‘husbentos’ she makes them for her husband’s lunch :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I like watching Imamu’s videos as well :smile:

Hahah I feel like I’ve hijacked @adrianmorales ASMR thread with cooking channels since I know most of these :rofl:


haha :joy::joy::joy:


ooh I love Delicious Day! I really can’t figure how they make everything look so cute :sob: I tried her bear-shaped buns and they ended up looking like monsters! :joy: Nino and she seem to refer to each others’ recipes sometimes, so it’s fun to check the different ideas each one comes up with


I love this guy’s voice and his ASMR Meditations!

He has a lot of sleep stories and other meditations I love!

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ASMR eating by SAS. I find it tricks my body into thinking I’ve been eating. :woman_shrugging:t5: She eats such a variety of foods. Some no talking, and some with talking. Some with only her mouth, and what she ordered, or prepared. Some with full face, eating, and talking. She’s a really neat eater, and entertaining.

A tranquil get-a-way!

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How? Anytime I watch someone eat something that remotely resembles food, I get hungry. Doesn’t matter if I were to just finish eating.

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I feel for you, but. . .

I actually feel stuffed! :rofl:

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There probably is something to it. Seen that shoe video before and rather than feel full it’s more an aversion triggered by memory of all the times I’ve had to eat the old Easter eggs left over from last Easter, only to make room for this years gifted Easter eggs :persevere: It gets sickly sweet having to eat an entire medium sized egg (equivalent chocolate as that shoe) in a day, never mind in one go. Even more triggering when I’ve eaten the eggs with the white chocolate inside layer. (not fond of white chocolate)
Add to that the ASMR amplified sound of chocolate breaking, same sound when having to break off yet another piece to eat.
Maybe this year I should ask that people gift real eggs, what with inflation and the (UK) egg shortage? :+1:

It’s the same feeling if you can judge visually how much food you need to feel full and you get it wrong (Eyes bigger than your stomach) and you get that uncomfortable stuffed feeling. It’s all learned experience.
Watch a mukbang video as they go pass your limit (early in the video for light eaters) and it suddenly ‘seems’ like you’re now watching a gorging video as that would be what you would be doing. :smiley: :grinning: :slightly_smiling_face: :neutral_face: :slightly_frowning_face: :face_with_spiral_eyes::nauseated_face:

Have you ever gone to do food shopping because you’re hungry and another time after eating because it needs to be done? My results:
Going hungry: no need to cook, anything junk, snacks, cakes, bread, biscuits, sweets.
Going full: nothing appeals, maybe a replacement carton of milk, a sponge and some toothpaste.


I have watched a few. I do not have that reaction.

Never. I have gone shopping while I happened to be hungry. There have been studies showing the same. Some people don’t go shopping until their pantry runs out.


When I close my eyes it sounds similar like a dog eating dry food and how he bites the pellets and how he makes also a squishy sound when he tries to grab it with his tongue in his food bowl. Here it is, I can’t believe people do that (I mean the videos), :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Absolutely love them. Discovered them on YouTube a couple of years back. My personal two favourites both happen to be Korean girls, who speak amazing English: Soy and also Latte. They make such good content.


Wow, using 10 different microphone… didn’t know there is such!
It’s better to listen to it without watching… some claim it helps them focusing better on their studies :wink:


ASMR - These fruits are tip top! There’s only one I have yet to try.
:heart: Love her fruit mukbangs :heart:

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Seems like a major blood sugar spike.

Apparently, some mukbang creators are faking it.

I watched a video where she stated she had some medical condition where she couldn’t gain any weight no matter how much she ate. She held up some piece of paper saying it was her doctor’s notes.


Oh my gosh, she took some of the mangosteen and lychees the whole fruit in her mouth… she eats very fast :sweat_smile: :rofl:

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In one of her early posts, she advised against eating the mangosteen seed. In her later posts, she just ate the seed along with the meat of the mangosteen.

:rofl: At this stage, she’s an expert eater. :joy::joy:

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