There’s no need to fight about this.
I don’t remember what my senseis told me back at that time about OSTs during the training and I don’t remember when I first segmented OSTs after nssa graduation and what I have asked or not when I began.
Nonetheless, I don’t ask authorization to fill songs appearing in Team Notes that I fall upon while segmenting (I took this habit) and since now, I have never met CMs or subtitlers or editors who told segmenters they couldn’t.
Myself, I don’t say anything about that to segmenters, same for English editors in the same team I was in. They don’t say anything to segmenters except a segment is missing or to cut it differently (too long or another sentence) if the English editors don’t know segmenting.
And receiving and giving instructions as a CM or by the CM or the English mods, segmenters and English subbers/editors have never fight for this type of thing from my knowledge.
It’s in general about 5-15 lines over 400.
And we don’t foresee what part we will segment (p1 with opening, p4 with ending). I generally don’t fight to have these parts because it asks me to check team notes and respect it line by line.
My pov and my experience for songs (opening, ending, other songs)
When I segment a part that happens to have songs:
I have to recognize if it’s a song already in Team Notes so I have to check Team Notes.
- if it’s an old song already translated or edited by the editor in Team Notes, I fill them while segmenting.
I already make the effort to match it line by line and look in Team notes or previous episodes to segment it properly, it’s not for the subtitler to recheck if I segmented line by line and to recheck lyrics in Team Notes to copy paste them.
I find it a waste of time for both the segmenter and the subtitler, because we do the same thing 2x. I’ve already checked the lyrics in Team Notes.
- Losing time to retranslate songs…
Some English subbers re-translate songs already in team notes so we have a different version for the same song. Some dramas have a lot of songs and some subbers don’t know them all or didn’t check or checked very fast.
And then, English editors lose time to re-edit songs or they could miss it.
- For the segment
At least, there’s more chance that to fill them, the segmenter has segmented it line by line correctly.
Whereas on some parts with some songs not filled by segmenters, we can see that the segmenters did it fast and there’s a slight difference. It was segmented differently. So the person didn’t carefully check team notes line by line or carefully checked in previous episodes.
Which makes the chief segmenter if there is one to take time to check and fix that. Or if he misses it, the English editor fixes it. Or everyone can miss it. It can happen, just human errors.
Also, when the song segment was not segmented correctly line by line, I have seen English subbers taking that into account and we have song subtitles like:
I love you. I think
I’m crazy about you
He just subtitled what he heard, which is normal.
And that’s why I think to avoid that, I prefer to fill songs in my part.
This is more safe and less time consuming for a subtitler (50 ep × 6 min to fill songs = 300 min = 5 hours for a subtitler = 2-4 ep that an English subber could have subtitled instead. For me, this is evident that to gain time on that, the segmenter can fill them).
For quality and time factors, I am for filling songs by segmenters and it makes them check the quality at least for songs.
It’s not something I usually ask, because it is not about correcting someone else’s work (edition) or doing someone else’s work because otherwise all songs should be filled by the author and I think it’s a burden to function like that.
There is no harm done, and for me, on the contrary, it is more efficient. This is what I concluded from checking segments done by segmenters in the same team or seeing how English subbers and editors don’t seem to oppose to song segments filled by the segmenter who made segments for them.
There are things I think we don’t need to ask and I would put this in this category for the reasons above. I would even put this in what a segmenter should automatically do lol checking TN or old ep and filling songs while segmenting them. It’s a good practice to get.
Now the reason why some other seggers or I don’t ask, my hypothesis is:
- we can’t tell bluntly “I won’t put ost” even if as a segmenter, I normally checked osts lyrics => meaning I let the subbers do it, I did my part lol (I think it’s not really serious to say that lol)
- it’s uninteresting for segmenters to copy paste lyrics. The chill in segmenting is segmenting for a segmenter. The time I copy paste, I could have done more segments or subtitled in my language. (But if the segmenter is learning at the same time the language, then for the learner it’s interesting.)
So either the segmenter or the subtitler, I don’t think people like to copy paste because they can segment or subtitle a whole drama without copying pasting. I think it’s not really interesting for the segger or the subber, so I would say that if we don’t say or ask anything, it’s because… just asking about that is like… mmm so I have to tell if I want the subbers to do it for me or I can do it myself lol
I can also tell I will fill songs, but then I have to fill for each part I do… it’s an engagement which is less freedom for me when I’ll be lazier lol
If the subtitler absolutely wants to fill songs, I will surely let him. For 5-15 lines to copy paste, there is no personal gain for me, on the contrary if the subber wants me to gain more time, I totally agree! I won’t fight for sure!