Is Money Flower on someone's blacklist?

I’m watching Money Flower. Riveting. And it’s so layered that I tried to find a recap on Dramabeans. What? It’s not mentioned at all! A Jan Hyuk drama y’all–how come? Then I noticed that VIKI hasn’t even featured it in its headline banners either. Anyone notice it too? Anyone know why? The drama is Viki Pass Plus which shows it’s considered important–but then why not feature it more? Truly…this drama is a long fall… down a rabbit hole of who’s who, who belongs to who and when will all the secrets blow everything and everyone apart. But hey Dramabeans…why haven’t you mentioned it in any reviews or recapped it. Such a mystery…

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Vikipass plus shows are not “considered important”. They are extra content from the Kocowa website (a union of three big Korean broadcasting stations), which charges viki for the right to also feature their shows, thus viki charges viewers.

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The banner, we heard once from the Viki staff, is mostly influenced by show’s popularity on the site.

But, yes, it is a mystery why the show is not promoted more. But the case is not unique, I can tell you as much.

I’m not watching the drama, but I hear people who do watch it to have only compliments. And apparently it’s very suspenseful.


At least Money Flower is on Viki. Happy about that, and hopefully it will get ‘word of mouth’ attention later. So many twists & turns–I haven’t a clue how this will end: a dead body, a happy couple or possibly even the bad guys might win. I’ve held back from Viki Pass Plus so far…but…

I was upset with the same thing. Always hard to find on the site, and yet Money Flower is a great drama and should be in the featured section.


I was wondering if perhaps the adult age-range of the characters have kept younger viewers from being interested in watching. Would a kpop idol on this one have helped? Sad though, this drama has done such a great job of episode cliffhangers and multi-layered characters. Haven’t seen the last two episodes yet and still haven’t a clue how this will all end.