I’m looking for subbers from Japanese to English, if you are interested PM me
would be nice if you have a QC status. It’s fine if you don’t have
have experience in subbing japanese to english.
knows a lot of medical, crime, etc terms/words.
Here are other JDRAMAs that needs english subtitles.
Recruiting for
Bright audition
I Love Tokyo kawaii detective
the last revenge
the pleidges
Doctor X 2013
Asuka Highschool
Robo rock
love strikes
Looking for Japanese-English translators of japanese TV-dramas for an interview
I am a student of translation studies in Sweden and I am doing a thesis within translation quality of english fansubs for japanese TV-dramas where I want to compare translation quality of subtitles made through fansubbing groups and through crowdsourcing translation (VIKI).
I am going to compare two subtitiles of first chapter of three different dramas. One of the subtitles should have been made by a fansubbing group and one translation should have been made through crowdsourcing translation (VIKI).
I am looking for volunteers who could help me out, I want to make some interviews asking questions about the experience of translation of the translator and also questions about the methods and tools used when translating and how you have been working with translation quality assurance. I will try to pick the dramas that the person I am interviewing have translated. So, if you also could help me out and give me the transcription for the subtitles you have translated - it would be great!
Thank you for reaching out to me. But right now I’m really busy and I can’t do the stuffs you asked but I can recommend you our chief editors/subbers in Japanese-english dramas.
if you could try to ask them
@ ta2gal, kikko, babymeg3
I am interested in fansubbing dramas. I don’t have QC status, but I know a lot of medical terms, since my father is a japanese doctor. Please contact me back.
i am really interested in subbing japanese dramas, and can i still be a translator this time? Are there any position left for japanese-english translator? If yes, i would like to. I’m not really advanced in japanese, but can i still be a translator? Thank you.
I am interested in subbing from Japanese to English. Can you let me know regarding the same? I have experience with manga translation and novel translation. So I’m confident I can do a good job as I am well trained in the Japanese language. I have JLPT qualification of 80% in N1 as well and I teach Japanese in India.