Korean Historical Dramas

You know what’s the saddest part? How happy they are when they come to USA, and is a sincere, honest, full blown happiness. I don’t know if you have access to the show with Rosanna Scotto news anchor (Channel 5) NYC Central Park Concert. They laughed and talked so freely, and were showing step dance to Rosanna and her coworker Lory Stoke. They were laughing like I’ve never seen them laughing before. Maybe I’ve seen the wrong shows in SK, but they usually very quiet and shy. But here in US they are very outspoken and confident. They especially love Los Angeles, California (that’s where they got sick from eating all the junk food they sell).


Hmm … I have seen Koreans having fun in Korean shows, but I’m not sure how much of it was scripted … :thinking:

I don’t know that show, though.

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This is the only show mentioned in this topic not to have its access restricted in the UK.

Although what I’m going to start doing is noting down what not available to on here. Then find search for it on Netflix as I’m increasingly finding that Netflix has shows in my region that viki does not. Other European users may want to do this also


and that is such a neat drama! some of our favorite actors in it too

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