Korean Indie Fans?

Are there any other fans of Korean indie music? I absolutely love it and the genre is pretty much all I’ve been listening to recently. My personal favorite artists are Hyukoh, Nell, 10cm, and, of course, Car, the Garden.

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Love Hyukoh.

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I don’t know that much and most of the time I am not categorizing the music I listen to - well, other than like it or not.
So I can say I like 10cm and Nell, but only know a few of their songs, I rarely have the time to go into the deep search for it.
If there is one song I could listen to all day it would be this


Those are my main categories as well. :wink:

Another band I like:

And a solo version. He seems to be having fun! :grin:

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After looking a few things up YT suggested this to me

but I would say it is more pop-rock

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I personally like indie very much among the various genres I listen to. I’ll recommend Ha Hyunsang. He’s in the band Hoppipolla now, but I found his album My Poor Lonely Heart from his solo era, which is very indie, in my opinion.

The singer leeSa has indie vibes in her songs, even though a lot of them are OSTs. I’m not sure if she has an album out…I need to search for it.