I feel like i say this every year but there seems to be a lack of good slice of life family based dramas like Heaven's Garden | Watch with English Subtitles & More | Viki
or Thank You | Watch with English Subtitles, Reviews & Cast Info | Viki
Queen's Classroom | Watch with English Subtitles & More | Viki
You mean family related, in the sense of “with small kids”, or “about more than one generation in general”?
But for some I understand the “urge” to watch them, unfortunately many lost the lincenses in some regions.
I will put some links but will need to search if those are still here.
It’s about growing up and creating your own family, friends, relations …
It’s more about random people on first glance becoming family and that these new family bonds can surpass the relationships you have with so called real family.
It’s more about uncle’s growth while taking care of his sister’s kids and him becoming reliable.
What I liked about this one … That the main couple gets back together, that they learn about past mistakes and take their relationship not as given but work on their future.
This was short and good, I like when characters are more realistic (not always those genius CEOs, or the poor candy girl, the happy go lucky type).
And I really liked all the actors in here.
Adorable, if I remember it correctly it reminds me of The Love You Give Me
That is a heavy one, only watch, when you can cope with melo. It’s not totally gray, but sometimes really depressing.
(No longer in my region)
I liked it, because of its fresh uptake (eventhough though it reminded me in parts of a a very old movie from the USA, which I can only tell the German title “Im Dutzend Billiger”, if I am starting to google now, I probably won’t finish …).
The interaction of the generation and the kids was overall a nice watch, minus her ex-husband and her BFF, but well that is K-drama some characters need room to improve.
This one was a surprise for me, as I did not expect that besides the FL her mum would find romance as well. Plus the grandparents.
(No longer in my region)
This wasn’t an easy road for the main couple and her dad has a story on his own.
Easy watch for most of the time.
Any of them passes your kind of family drama, or not at all?
All are at least more than a year old since I didn’t watch for a year and only watch really short ones.
viki seems to just focus less on slice of life drama im tired of romance give me a more traditional social drama we used ti have a lot more @lutra i did watch all of those thats the problem.
Something like that?
That’s a drama I would like to watch I like those two actresses.
Riding Life, I liked that titlt more, but well.
I don’t know of any source yet, … Would be nice to have it here.
I like slice of life too, but just as you said it, I was away for a year and it doesn’t seem to have new additions in that regard, but prove me wrong. I don’t mind from which country, as long as the story is well written and produced.
Huh? Really?
would love that to come here did you already request? ill send one to if needed
Now I did.
What nice recommendations. I have helped in the translation of Please be my family. Then,i was was told to watch relpy 1988 (still haven’t). Which of the ones youve recommended would you watch regardless of length? Thank you.
I got this recommandation as well and couldn’t finish it, don’t really know. I wrote a few words about the dramas in my post above, hope it helps.
Otherwise tell me if you would mind romance of the elder generation.
Or sometimes harsh behavior, or words.
If you like it more on the ordinary everyday life aspect.
Or a good laugh to compensate for all the pressure in the story.
I dont mind any of the above mentioned,though i could live without vulgar language. Ill be waiting.
Then maybe you want to start this, I am not quite sure if there weren’t some unpretty words at the start, because of rumours about the FL, but I think that was all …
In C-dramas there is normally less foul language …