Learn Korean with Viki's new Learn Mode!

Hey Folks!

I am glad to announce that Viki has updated the new Learn Mode feature to improve it based on the feedback from a lot of you. You can now use learn mode to support your language learning endeavours for both Chinese & KOREAN! The feature still includes favorites like dual subtitles and segment navigation.

In addition though this new update includes the following:

  • Learn mode is now available for any subtitle language with more than 50% subtitles for a video. This means that you can now learn Korean or Chinese even if you are not an English speaker. This opens a lot of interesting language combinations such Korean-Spanish or Chinese-French & many more!

  • The UI has now been revamped to make the text more readable & easy to understand.

For more information on using learn mode please refer to: https://support.viki.com/hc/en-us/articles/231829048-How-to-use-Learn-Mode-

Here are a few titles for which learn mode is available, so get started today!

From Korea:

Boys Over Flowers

The Legend of the Blue Sea

My Love from the Star

Moonlight Drawn by Clouds

Kill me, Heal me

From China:

My Sunshine (Director’s Cut) 何以笙箫默

The Lost Tomb 盗墓笔记

My Best Ex-Boyfriend 最佳前男友


I was so happy when I received a PM about this and went straight to TLBS but the voice recorded saying the word is too low. I was disappointed bc I would like to know how to pronounce the word too but I can hardly hear it. hope they fix that.

PS. I tried another drama in the list but the same thing happened.

Hi @angelight313_168,

Thank you for the feedback on the audio volume & clarity. We are working hard to fix this and should be releasing an update to address this soon. In the meantime, we hope you continue to use learn mode to augment your korean & chinese learning. I will post an update here once the update is released soon.


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Great, I was wondering who I could write to so they look into my concern with the audio issue. At first I thought it was the volume in my laptop so I used headphones and it was definitely not on my side the issue.

PS: I tried another drama to see if it was the drama and the same thing happened again. I am looking forward to this been fixed and i will continue using the new learning tool.

Thank you for your response and to the creators of this new system of learning other languages.

Hi all!

I am glad to announce that we have re-worked the audio pronunciation feature of Learn Mode for Korean. You should now be able to hear much more audible and clear pronunciations of the words. Please do give it a try and we look forward to your feedback.


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Thank you so much for working so fast on the issue. I will give update soon here.


The audio improved greatly and I’m able to hear the words clearly now. Thank you so much. Looking forward to learning new words in Korean and Chinese. Wonderful idea.

I’d like to learn more and what is the beta feature, do I have it? if not how do I get it?

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Certain dramas Korean or Chinese dramas have this feature: Go to THE LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA (korean) or THE LOST TOMB (Chinese).

The same place where you change to different language there it says:

Learn Mode Beta
What is this?

you click in that button and it turns BLUE when you look at the video you see two arrows under it you will see the korean or chinese characters. When you put the cursor on the character and click the word that you want to learn turns blue

A box appears with the words translated in English and Chinese. When you press the audio you will learn how the word is pronounced.

What I do is take notes of the words translation in my notebook. About the pronunciation I think is hard to deal with that. At first I complained about the volume but now is something else.

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I really need someone to clear this for me. I was in Beta mode in the Chinese drama ‘‘The Lost Tomb’’

I clicked on a word it says the word is: zhé gé (the translation written) says it means: Jude Test

I have no idea what Jude test means. Can you please clear this for me: Thank you.

now I see why the subbers have so much of a problem! I found the betta on Legend of the blue sea, my new thing for the day! Oh my goodness so good to learn new things! I am going to do more of this and see how far I can goi with this! learning a new language. COOL! just getting my feet wet here, yeah a bit excited too.
oh and angellight313_168 thank you, also taking notes. I also check the google translate with this too. I also found talk to me in Korean, hey I need all the help I can get!!



i wanted to watch " Boys over Flowers" with the Learn Mode but unfortunately this mode is not appearing in the settings …
Any idea what the problem could be ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I also would love to use this great-sounding function, but, alas, I do not seen Learn Mode as an option in the tools. What might be needed? Siobhán

use the video player on your laptop or desktop computer. If the episode has at least 50% subs in Korean or Chinese, use settings icon (It looks like gear) to turn on learn mode.

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Thanks so much.
However, after I originally posted, I read somewhere on Viki that not all browsers support the “Learn” mode; it simply was not in tools as an option when using Internet Explorer. I downloaded Google Chrome and the functions exists when I access videos using that browser. So, for me that is the solution.

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Thank you for the resources!

Internet Explorer is not even supported anymore on viki.
But Learn mode is surely available in Opera and Firefox.

Hi I’m just wondering is this a feature for all drama’s or some? Thanks

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Only those where there are Korean captions. This means that a team member who knows Korean takes the trouble to insert the Korean text in Subtitle Editor.