Learning Chinese through videos


Could we have an updated list of Chinese dramas that have complete Simplified Chinese translations and classified by difficulty and by genre (modern, historical…) for the Learn Mode?

I couldn’t find the “Learn Mode for Chinese dramas” collection of Viki anymore and when I pick Simplifed Chinese subtitles in the Explore page, some shows have Simplified Chinese, but not for all episodes.

Does anyone know some shows in this category (+ mention the difficulty)?

Another free resource:

Sys Mandarin Channel:

  • Level: beginner
  • Watch a cartoon/drama/movie sequence (about 10 min)
  • The teacher dissects each sentence while explaining words and vocabulary: listening, reading (Simplified Chinese + pinyin + English) and her comments.
  • Few few grammar points for the moment (ex: )
  • At the end, she asks questions and answers to them.
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With one being a children’s cartoon, five being your typical romcom, and ten being a historical:

Skate Into Love(6)romcom in present time

The World Owes Me a First Love(5)romcom; modern

The Love Equations(not sure; haven’t watched or volunteered on it; but I’m guessing 5 or 6?)romance

The Untamed(9)historical

Love and Destiny–completed until ep 22(10)historical

A Little Thing Called First Love–90-100%(5)romcom

You Are My Destiny–stops in ep 28, but I believe this is a work in progress(8)romcom

Symphony’s Romance–stops in ep 14, work in progress(6)romcom

I will update this later; these are only the ones I can remember off the top of my head. It might take a while since I can’t really see the percentage done on other dramas right now.
I think you can go to Explore and find the ones with Chinese subtitles, but most of them probably weren’t completed by the team and just left halfway done.

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Thank you, Helena :grin:
Do you mind sharing the Viki link with the title so it would be more convenient when we want to read the synopsis?
Or can I write them here?

Btw, what is the (number)?

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No problem, done. :grinning: The numbers in parentheses signify the difficulty level. “You Are My Destiny”(8) would have more difficult vocabulary than for example “Skate Into Love”(6) because of the many business terms and proverbs while the latter’s vocabulary is significantly easier because the skating terms are few and far between and easy to learn.

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Thanks a lot, Helena!
That is nice of you for the difficulty. Is it in a scale from (1) to (10) for the difficulty level?

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Yup. :wink:

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