I always though Goblin’s ending was pretty sucky because nothing changes… he’s still immortal and she has like two or three lives to reincarnate, be with him, and die again.
My idea:
He’s wandering around in that snow-filled weird place. She’s forgotten him and then she suddenly remembers him in Canada and blows out that candle. He appears and they kiss. (all this was already in the drama).
Now my part:
He returns without his immortality, He’s a normal human and they’re already married anyway. They live their life together. DONE.
If you really want something tragic, kill both of them in an accident as soon as he comes back as a human. Poor Grim Reaper has to reap both his friends’ souls. Lots of crying. Fast forward 50-100 years(however long it takes for everyone to reincarnate). Same scene with GR and Sunny meeting as actors(or we could make GR a lawyer so they’re definitely from Touch Your Heart).
Because of all the tragedy that happened, Goblin is reincarnated as Sunny’s brother again. Eun Tak works on the film crew. Everyone is filming some scene on that iconic pier. Sunny’s bro comes to the filming site for some reason. Things are going on just fine until it suddenly starts raining. The entire cast and crew start running around, collecting their equipment and dashing for shelter. Eun Tak struggles with some piece of equipment and gets slightly left behind.
The rain is pounding on her back and she’s trying to keep the equipment safe from the rain. She tries to push her hair away from her eyes but it’s stuck to her forehead.
Suddenly, she isn’t getting drenched anymore! She lifts her eyes to see a handsome guy holding an umbrella over her.
I guess “frustrated writer” has to come into the works!! I hated the ending of goblin and love from the stars, and that other one um starry night, starry sea and the other lee min ho , legand of the blue sea
sorry some of the titles drifted away, maybe some of you younger ones could help me on that. yes want better endings, think this was mentioned months ago~!!
oh another, loved the drama till reaching ending, oh I know it had to happen “Kill it” to be sure there had to be a better ending!! there’s more but that’s a start, and you want me to do the ending??
Goblin the “wife” took out the knife/sword, so yeah reincarnation at least 100 years, maybe a detective, but he reverts to these images, doesn’;t know why, course a psychologist comes into play, tries to find out the reasons for his images, sunny is the psy… she also still has memories
and the"wife" has nightmares of a scene, and cant get it out of her mind, so she is in sunnys care,
the guy that was the grim reaper, hes the only ongoing one, years old now, has his memories intact, even remembering he was the king that cursed the goblin
so many titles to work on, Bride of the water God, oh that could have been a neat ending, the love knot, ridiculous ending, hydeJeklle and me, horrible! , rich man poor woman. oh well, like my name says “frustrated writer” what do I know?
Dance Of The Phoenix by any chance? Man, that wedding ending pee’d off a lot of viewers!
Didn’t bother me that much as I pretty much expected them to die all of a sudden because reasons. Hey, it was a C-Drama, it’s pretty much part of the course!
I don’t find endings bad when they make sense throughout the story in [My Love from the Star] the guy was an alien, that was his planet, that was his destiny that couldn’t be changed. At least he was able to come and see her and give us that spectacular kiss. Some destinies can’t be changed bc we want to, and his destiny was unchangeable.
She was a mermaid nothing could change her destiny. In order for her to become human a life still had to be sacrificed, and unconditional love means sacrificing our wants and needs, in this case, in order to keep them both alive she had to sacrificed herself for him. By doing that she also had to return to the sea in order to stop the hardening of her heart (her own death).
When she returns to see him, it was obvious that he had recorded their time together so he wouldn’t forget her; so at least they can meet this way (although he will eventually grow old and die, and she won’t bc she’s a mermaid). We don’t need season 2 unless they can work it out so that she becomes human, when he falls in love with her all over again in his other resurrection…
Everyone seems to forget that Asian writers/Directors/Producers; are driven to write what they know Asian people love to see in dramas. They see that for centuries they haven’t stop watching those kind of dramas/movies, and they cry and accept this constant tragic endings.
In my case, I stopped watching dramas that will have a tragic ending bc I refuse to give in to this RIDICULOUS tragic ending. I can accept most endings, but when it comes to seeing ML/FL deaths in an ending, I will avoid it and I don’t care if the rest of the story is great. They don’t want to change their way of writing, and I won’t change my thinking about tragic endings that make no sense in the story bc it could’ve had a great ending for a change.
But isn’t that kind of the point of this thread? The writers of these fictional stories are the ones who are creating that destiny, so if they wanted it to be different, it could be different. And even if an ending theoretically makes sense, it doesn’t mean we, as viewers, are obligated to like it, especially if we envision a way of writing it differently. So that’s all we are doing - taking the opportunity to write the endings in the way we would have wanted them to play out.
aaaaawww, I know you are righjt destiny and all. but gosh! come on! the guy form the star, to be sure there was a better way, and yes the mermaid I guess the same thing, still there had to be a better way!!
I’m re-writing My Love from the Stars and Water God and Meow the Secret Boy -
It is the fantasy ones that STINK and are ambiguous. I was ok with Goblin.
Start with [Love from the Star] but don’t change the whole story completely @porkypine said re-write the ending. Hope you don’t forget if he stayed here on earth, he would have died bc he can no longer live here on earth. Plus, I hope we don’t forget he yearned to go back to his planet, to his people, his family, which were also alive and well. waiting for him. What will happen to her since she’s human, she will age and he being an alien would never age? How can they possibly stay together?
I think fantasy dramas should be excluded here, but dramas like DOOM that ending, in the floor making kimchi, and that mess they did on those 2 last episodes is what I call an injustice. Too cold, too unfair to him ML, by leaving him with no wedding to celebrate. If they kissed during some of the episodes why omit it at the end?
I hated GOBLIN ending, but I didn’t watched much of it, to the point I can’t remember much at all. Doesn’t the girl die?
I was only going to do the ending - so that he isn’t popping in and out of her life! But maybe she likes having her free time!
In Goblin - she dies - yes but is reincarnated and he has to wait for her - I was ok with it - It is my #1 DRAMA!!!
I actually like how he became a member of the family! Yes a kiss would have been nice but they did so many good kisses I was ok with it - I liked the meaning behind the ending.
Because I’m sitting here reading this thread and I reply when I see it! I’m making dinner! Hamburger and Rice my EASY dinner!!! I CANNOT see what you are writing only your ICON - I PROMISE - I’m not a SPY
Someone would have to remind me how they explained his ability to come back in the first place. I don’t recall the explanation for that, or even if there was a proper one, but I remember thinking it didn’t really make sense. He had waited 300 years to catch a ride back to his planet, but now he can suddenly just appear at random?
And I feel like fantasies would be some of the easiest to rewrite because you are not necessarily beholden to any hard and fast rules. He came from an alien planet that we know nothing about, so maybe by the time he had gone back, they had developed some new technology that allowed him travel back and forth or even take his whole family with him to Earth, and maybe they had developed some new medical intervention that could help him survive on Earth. Because we know nothing from the beginning, we can make up anything we want in order to ‘fix’ the issues presented in the original. Everything is up to the imagination.
I was thinking there was a device or once he went through the worm hole back to the other world he was think able to go back and forth - I want to rewrite it so I have to rewatch the ending - the popping in and out drove me NUTSO - she would never know how long he would be there! I mean HOTTIE Alien - stay with me for gosh sakes!!!
Well, according to my understanding he would not be able to come back to her again, and that would be the last time so it had a different ending in the sense that with time she would have to get married and have her own family and remember him as a first love. He was part of the star planet that would extinguish if he kept coming to earth. Maybe I paid too much attention to that drama bc I found it so PERFECT ending and all.
You answered your own question. The times kept getting shorter and shorter; as his ability to come back were getting so slim and risky, but he managed to give her one last passionate Goodbye kiss at the prime of her life as a Rising Star that is why the drama was titled [He Came From The Star] at the site where I/me saw it.