Looking for Viki Segmenters

Hello Viki Community!

Whether you’re a new or seasoned Segmenter, please use this thread as a temporary means for finding segmenting opportunities. The “I want to be a Segmenter” tab in Project Finder is currently under construction, and will be relaunched at a later date. We hope this thread helps Recruiters and Segmenters connect in the meantime. Thank you!

New Segmenters

Follow these steps to let teams know you’re looking for a project to join.

Step 1: Reply to this post and include:

  • A link to your profile page. To reach your profile, go to Viki.com and click “Profile” under your profile pic.
  • Level of NSSA training* or previous segmenting experience
  • Your availability
  • Reasons for wanting to contribute

*Completing an NSSA course is usually required by recruiters, and increases your chances of joining a team!

Step 2: Check your inbox for messages. Team members (aka Recruiters) will send you a private message (PM) if they are interested in having you join their team. It’s important to check your messages regularly as Recruiters need a speedy reply when they are forming their teams! :smile:

Seasoned Segmenters

Follow these steps to find specific segmenting opportunities.

Step 1: Watch for titles. Every month, the Viki Community Team will share titles that are available for segmenting, including segmenting from scratch and A&C opportunities on EN projects. Check out these titles if you’re a seasoned Segmenter and/or looking for a Chief Segmenter role.

Step 2: Find new team members. When building your segmenting team, look through the replies to find contributors to recruit or mentor. Send these contributors a PM via their profile page so you can have a private conversation. Please do not reply to them on this thread. Thank you! :pray:


Hi, I’m looking for projects to help in segmenting. I have pervious segmenting experience in languages of Korean, Chinese, and hindi. I’m available 2 hrs per week.
I used to be more active many years ago and would love to get active again.

My profile: lonefire - Rakuten Viki

hey there,I want to join your community to segment videos. I can segment in English and Hindi . And also available for this month only at any time.
jiyaanand600_662 is my profile.

I need video to segment. But when I looking for on project finder, I realize that All project finder already finished segment. So now how we find project which really need segmenter?

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I already answered someone asking a similar question here if you wish:


Hi - I recently graduated from Ninja Academy (this week).
I enjoy segmenting and would really like to keep in practice.
Any work would be appreciated - It’s not about earning badges or credits - I just enjoy the effort. So adjusting and checking is fine.
I am available all the time, and time zone is east Australia.
This is me:
cheers: catman_48


I have no experience yet. I have practiced in the Sandbox and watched all of the video training on segmenting. I am on the waiting list for NSSA, but would love to help sooner if possible since there are still 100 people ahead of me and I have been on the list for a month. I love watching Viki and really want to help bring more content to other viewers. I feel that I am a team player and am more than willing to accept guidance and correction where needed. So if you are willing to take a chance on me I will give you my very best!
availability of 4 days a week and any hours necessary to complete the tasks given to me. Also, now that I have found where the inbox is (lol) I can reply in a timely manner :wink:


Congratulations! On graduating :smile: How long were you on the waiting list? I’ve been on the list for a month and there are still 100 people ahead of me. Trying to be patient but it’s not easy lol

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I was on the waitlist for 7 months before I could enter the Sandbox (and I’m not talking about the playground, but about the start of the training) and then there were still the watlists in between levels, the waitlist for the final exam ánd the time you need to wait till you hear if you have graduated. All this time, I could not work on shows as a segmenter. But I got through it all, became a segmenter and later also a CS.
You may not have to wait that long; it depends on the availability of the senseis and the amount of people waiting. At times, the waitlists can be surprisingly short so it’s a matter of luck. But in any case, you just have to accept it. You need this training to become a good segmenter. Just watching videos on the subject isn’t enough. You need to practice and have senseis tell you what you do wrong. And not just once. You will go through Sandbox and 5 additional levels with different senseis who will all have a slightly different approach but who all work within the guidelines of the NSSA. And then even when you have become a segmenter, you will find that there are still things to learn.
Volunteers on Viki are under a lot of pressure because viewers want their subtitles ASAP. The last thing a CS (Chief Segmenter) needs is having a segmenter in the team who has not been properly trained cause it will only slow things down. So just be patient.
By the way, I saw on your profile that you also have ambitions to become an English editor. You could ask an existing CE (chief editor) to train you while you are waiting. This is not about your English skills, which already need to be good to get accepted by a CE, but to learn how exactly things are done. There are no “official” trainings so if and when depends on the availability of the editor but at least, you won’t get on another waitlist.


Good morning skywalker13. Many thanks for the congratulations. They are appreciated. Going through the NSSA is essential. It takes time, it is frustrating - your patience will be put to the test. But IT’S WORTH IT. It is so long ago now that I cannot remember how long the waiting list was at that time, maybe 6 or 8 weeks. Getting into and through the academy is a five or six month long process!! (well, ok, I’m a slow learner, so it was for me). You will practice a lot, forget a lot and re-practice again and again. And to be honest it only really begins to make sense towards the end of the process. The important thing is that you really enjoy the learning and practicing and playing in the sandbox! And also enjoy Viki, it’s content and the way the content is presented. Don’t loose hope or give up - it just takes time. Hang in there. – fighting – :muscle:


Thank you so much!! This is the best information I’ve had regarding the process. I appreciate the time you took to give me such a thorough and honest answer :sunglasses:

How would I be able to contact a CE?


Just go to some channels that seem interesting in the coming soon section and see whether there is a CE already added and then send them a message through the inbox.


Oh I like that idea. I wanted to be an editor/proofreader, but need QCs which I don’t have ATM. So going to do the segmenter route since I only know English and Bad English.


Yes, it’s usually written on the cover page who is the CE.


Buenas tengo experiencia subtitulado Blu-rays de versiones extendidas, óperas del italiano y musicales en ingles todo pasado al español
Puedo subtitular del inglés al español, ya lo hice hace años con una serie en Youtube china, he usado subtitle edit por años, sincronizando películas. He visto varias series incompletas en español, en Viki, puedo ayudaros, si se puede usar una tablet para trabajar no tengo pc en casa. Eso sí solo durante los fines de semana ya que trabajo. Se sincronizar audio y video, cortar y editar subtítulos, pasar subtítulos de OCR a texto sin formato, rectificar frases inconexas del inglés al español, si necesitáis ayuda, me encantan las series chinas y coreanas, en lo que pueda os ayudaré. Saludos de 29Lola.


@viki community

Previously, we could click on a person’s user name and get a link to their profile. That went away. Please return that function. The CS’s need it to look up their experience.



I helped segment a few dramas way back when Viki was a baby lol. It’s been a while but I would like to help again if I can. I have experience segmenting Korean and Chinese dramas. I used to be a QC as well. I am available from 7-9pm PST every day.

schizoar09 - Rakuten Viki


Hi everybody…

I have recently graduated so I´m officially a new Ninja looking for my first project :slight_smile:
I´ll be happy to contribute as segmenter in any drama with availability of 2 hours a day…
Please have a look at my profile: fecothomas_810 - Rakuten Viki

Hope to hear from my first CS soon :slight_smile:


Hello, I am interested in joining the segmenting community. Although this is my first time working on Viki, I’ve previously worked as a segmenter in other popular sites and have a work experience of 3 months. I am willing to contribute 1 hour every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Looking forward to working with you all.

My profile: yunalovestae - Rakuten Viki

Hi, Evelyn.

Despite the fact that you have segmenting experience from other sites, in order to segment on Viki, you have to pass the Ninja Segmenting academy, which can be found here:

After you’ve passed the academy, please come back here and offer your services :smiling_face: Good luck!