Machine translation from Viki

I have not yet read all the comment I am only at 27th
But there was the drama Mr. Swimmer mentioned Mr. Swimmer ep 38 I have had French in school it was my first foreign language, so I understand quite a bit, but only the first seconds. I thought - What is this?
The team name is Buddy Buddy the screen shows Birdie Buddy, are you kidding me … At least this much should be done correctly
I can’t say much about the subs since I don’t speak Chinese and I do not have the time to watch it now.


Viki seriously? Leave the french community alone.

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Plus the team name of our French team for this drama is not the same as for the English Team, we usually have a name in French for our team (on almost all dramas).
So we chose it with the whole team. For this drama, it’s “l’équipe plus ou moins sportive” since it’s about swimming so nothing to do with what’s written there…
But how can a bot know that obviously…
Episode 38 was released this morning, so English subs should be good for this one, but for episodes 39 to 46 I prefer not to look at the French subs at all. Just looking at the opening song for episode 38 I have headache…


I can’t believe of all the languages Viki chose French.
France is my neighbor country if it is famous for one thing it is the spirit to come together and sit things out. If you are hard on French workers you will see them protesting I can’t imagine volunteers will be any different. We once had a strike here at Viki in the earlier years and our spokespersons were 2 French ladies. It was a “Flower Power” movement, in solidarity everyone put a flower into their avatar many old members still have this flower, maybe we should consider something like this as a sign. If my profile would work then I could just take it from there, but well …


This just doesn’t help anyone. It doesn’t help native French speakers who won’t understand anything, and it doesn’t help learning French speakers who are going to learn that tu can be used in any situation and that anglicisms are natural and prevalent in French. What is the point of doing this? I really don’t understand. I personally segment, but now I don’t even know for sure which of my segments will one day be bot-translated. I would be down for the flower power thing though


I wonder if they are not mistaken with this Kdrama all of a sudden. :

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I just thought of you and here you are.
I saw that the drama “Sassy Girl” is now translated into many languages. Is it all bot translation?

So in other words if a drama has a small team or needs bit longer because of many episodes they delete everything that was already manually translated (maybe even edited) and use bot translation instead?

Under these circumstances it’s a waste to spend any more time for translating; they could just say it takes “too long” for any language and then they use bot only…

Is there any example of the manual translation vs bot translation you could show? (how the sentences look now/ before/after)


Maybe all volunteers should strike, not just the French ones?


Yes, I also think all volunteers should strike. Because who knows which language it will be next time?
They started with French, but maybe next time it will be your language.
Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, German, Romanian, English… it could be any language.

I still remember what happened on Wok of Love when it was airing, there was Spanish subs on Portuguese subs…


I don’t know if a strike is the best option, back then around 2010 we were in a dire situation and formed the Flower Power Movement. It was not Rakuten at that time.
We thought it would only backfire at us, since the community back then wasn’t like now manly paying customers. People might think the “almighty and power greedy volunteers” and we got that a lot, were only looking for claim of power.
Power? What power do we actually hold?
Back then we had many viewers that were positive about us, now in time of many subtitle crybabies? Do we have a backing there? I don’t think so, and if you don’t translate you will have to do it so possibly later under more time pressure. But I certainly do not try to say strike is a bad idea either …
Back then we took it in consideration as a last measure, but at least communication was possible on eye level back then, if you look at all the guidelines from Viki you are pretty much limited in actions. Wow, I found the first message in my inbox it was 9 years ago …
Back in the days “our” person to talk to at Viki was Razmig Hovaghimian, now CEO.


@lutra No but VikiStaff helped with the English a lot. I asked for their help for the English. The editing is not done yet so teams where waiting. And now this happened. So now I told OL mods to go ahead and sub even when editing is not finished.

And what was the Flower Power movement for again. I was on Viki when that was happening but I forgot the reason.

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I think so too, Chloe. We are the first but not the least. They just need to improve their vikibot with our correction.


(dsl) ^^’
pas suivi le fil de discussion (dans le sens lu aucun message)

viens ici via le lien dans un message envoyé en listing par @moreenke

mais hier effectivement via @vikicommunity

ils se basent sur quoi pour démontrer leur décision
-des traductions incorrect
-des traductions simplifiées (dans le sens phrase extrêmement courte alors que l’échange dialogue ne l’est pas…)

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I would first try to get people together, we created a topic at Viki with our standing/demands and showed our community by everyone changing avatars to one picture solely created for showing our determination. Because at the start not everyone wanted to strike there are sole subbers, who might fear to take that step. But still want to support it’s an easier step to show ones’ colors, that one step is one that many are able to do.
Rakuten is an enterprise, they can just blame volunteers throw some money use bots and reduce the language range.


I am speechless. There were some discussions before about a translating machine but I thought it was already implemented; those movies and some dramas that are uploated with all eps at same time. I did not expected this. As a volunteer for so many years I do not agree with this situation. They can take action with channels that had no activity for months and years, I don’t mind, but not with on air shows on which we are working and translating sacrificing our free time. And don’t want to edit translations made by a machine like being a tool myself. I’d rather finish my long journey with Viki.
Just remembered how some were saying that in near future factories and companies will have robots and machines to work for them and not people. This is just the beginning I guess. And they don’t even pay us!!! We do it with passion and love. I feel doomed.


En fait, je ne sais pas si tu as exactement compris ce qu’il se passe vu que tu ne t’y connais pas trop en anglais, mais le staff a décidé d’utiliser un robot pour traduire des dramas alors que certains n’étaient même pas complètement traduits en anglais et que les équipes sont actives pour la plupart. Et ensuite ils nous disent qu’on n’aura plus qu’à éditer. Le souci c’est que ce robot traducteur ne prend rien en compte, les tu/vous, le masculin/féminin, les accords etc, sans parler du fait que certaines phrases ne veulent rien dire.
Quand Wok of Love (traduit par viki Wok d’amour) sortait, ils ont utilisé le bot pour l’une des premières fois sur ce drama et ont traduit de l’espagnol à la place du portugais. Donc qui sait ce qu’il se passera par la suite, là ils s’attaquent aux français en utilisant leur bot, sachant qu’on ne veut pas l’utiliser, parce qu’on n’est pas là pour corriger un robot qui t’écrit n’importe quoi, mais après à quelle langue ils vont s’en prendre ?
Et la qualité derrière ? Ils y pensent ? Les fans ne risquent pas de comprendre grand-chose avec ces traductions…

J’ai refusé leur traductions anglaises sur Return the World to You, c’est pas pour avoir leurs traductions françaises sur d’autres dramas. Ils ne se basent pas sur la qualité des sous-titres, ça ils ne peuvent pas le faire de toute façon, leur propre bot ne traduit pas correctement.
Ils ont compris qu’on ne voulait pas de leur bot, alors qu’ils nous fournissent les suggestions du bot sur de plus en plus de dramas, on ne les utilise pas, alors ils ont cherché un moyen de nous forcer à améliorer leur bot. En devant éditer ses traductions. Sauf que ça, personne ne veut le faire et personne ne le fera !


You’re right. I’m worried that they will do that with German too.


Non je demandais seulement sur quelle base ils s’appuyaient pour démontrer ce que leur système étaient “recevable”
pourquoi ils en sont arrivés a proposer ces traduction vide de sens

si c’est pour “concurrencer” ^^’ d’autre plate forme qui ont pris eux aussi la diffusion de dramas venant d’Asie…

EDIT fait pendant reponse
en ce qui me concerne
j’ai sollicité en juillet (le manager projet et modérateur français étant Abs injoignable depuis ) Le Centre assistance pour la phase Edition pour le projet Addicted qui quand je l’avais revu peu de temps avant
-les apports de sous-titres étaient sur posés sur certain passage les rendant illisible
-les fautes grammatical … conjugaison
j’ai eu que le dernier d’ouvert accessible et vu effectivement ^^’
et sur le moment j’ai pensé que c’etait le correctif pour les passages avec les sous-titres qui apparaissaient en sur impression

What the Flower Power Movement was about?
We didn’t get much backing from Viki and technical issues were a daily matter. The servers were overloading, when dramas were uploaded we had to ask people to not come to the channels to watch because servers would break down. We had channel avatars with green for ready to view and red ones for come back later. We got hater comments, and we couldn’t say anything against it. We got shit storms we had to endure …
This is in the past most of it … Comments are out sourced you can flag them now. Abusers were many, we couldn’t protect the subtitles.
What has been better we could communicate better after that, when there was a problem you would see a schedule the problem was named, it got a schedule and it was taken care of.
Those were the good days. But later Viki and then Rakuten came and communication with volunteers - you get it is taken care of. Problems still exist. Or no response, you have no direct line it’s more like hanging on a wire at times.

What is the use of Twitter when it is used randomly, as well as the Help Center there is no routine and that leads to trust issues.

In all the years it comes back to this as a volunteer you shout out and sometimes you get a response sometimes you don’t. Volunteer finder is no tool it is a mess.


If the purpose is to improve their bot for French, they will need editors to correct bot subs so going on strike doesn’t feed their bot.

I am not going to feed a bot who is going to replace us.