Meet up topics

I would to meet other members whether in person or virtually but considering current conditions, perhaps virtually would be best. My kind of topics would be crafts (cross-stitch, knitting and crochet), cooking/baking/food related, languages/cultures/dramas and books (though I haven’t touched a book in a while as I’ve been reading more web novels).


that’s what i do like!

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As far I know Meet Up groups through are sometimes free to join and sometimes they like donations because if you create a meetup group, the creater has to pay a monthly subscription fee using the website features. It used to be $ 15 per months for more than 100 members, looking now it’s ca $ 10 just for how long?

You could also do a facebook group which is just online page of whatever interest you can share pictures and knowledge etc. I gave up FB since it’s not anymore my cup of tea.

To meet virtually “Live” with several persons via video, I can think only of zoom but I don’t personally know the app, I looked at meetup and some groups have a zoom live conference so it’s looks it’s doable :wink:

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yeah, zoom is pretty easy to use and doesn’t even need an account for everyone (only the host needs a free/paid account)

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that was tried Christmas day, too much of a mixup

and sium11, I did have a genealogy one and like this, peoiple just get tired of it or bored with it or just plain don’t want to do it. there were other pages I did join but they eventually stopped. andf facebook is next, theres all the stuff I like doing there, really nice so guess I will stick to facebook, did try the google groups but nada, and yahoo had a bunch but recently closed all of the groups, there were a lot of good ones there as well. so guess facebook is it. unless I find something else/ and I don’t mean just genealogy either

and guess for viki I will wait & see about the pages I do have here.

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@frustratedwriter what is it that you like to do? Craft? Food? Or Books?

  1. crafts, like crochet, sewing
    2 find new recipes like cooking and baking
    3 of course genealogy research
    4 gardening, learning, how tos, and even trades
    5 greet the "kids here, create friends which there was one like that on here some time ago
    6 talk about favorite actors & actresses, not just K dramas or C dramas
    7 books and more books, scifi, mysteries, cozy mysteries and more
    8 yeah learning different languages, and thats been on before too.
    9 even talking about the dramas past present and future
    10 probably more ,

I met some Vikians years ago and it was fun. Back in 2016 I went to Kcon in Paris and was wondering if some vikians where going too so we could maybe meet up and so it happened. We met up to queue together for Kcon, went to some shops that sold kpop and kdrama goodies and the next day we decided to go to a Korean restaurant. So I suggest you just make a topic and see what happens.


I guess I am kinda chicken about it.

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lets take a poll then…would you join a Zoom meetup?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


I guess I can try it again

Sure :slight_smile:

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J’aime beaucoup visionner des dramas de tous les pays asiatiques et je ne connais personne dans mon entourage qui partage ma passion, je serais très contente de pouvoir discuter avec quelqu’un qui partage ma passion. Je reste au Canada.

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Thankfully :blush: we are seeing the endemic in our sights. irl meetups will soon be possible everyone!

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This sounds like so much fun! And, exciting! :smiley:

Is anyone interested in the suggestion in this link below? :grinning:

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This lines up with the podcast, currently being created via discord, :wink: Maybe more fans will vote now? . . .

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Hi feeling amazing to be a part of meetup discussion, can we do zoom meetup let me know?

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I don’t have zoom

I’ve never been to meet up like that but that would be nice to go attend one. :thinking:

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oh c’est vrai c’est trop bien sa parle de quoi