Moderators and editors

Hello! I’m new here. I would like to try being moderator, co-moderator or editor. And I have few questions.
How can i become moderator? Do I have to write to chanel managers? And if I want to become editor who should I write to? If I’m writing to chanel managers, they don’t reply. I red viki topics about it but I’d like to know how it works from people who are moderators, editors and ect. Feel free to comment or write to me in private message. :smiley:


Hi Furema!

Welcome to the community.

To become a moderator, you need to write a PM (Personal Message) to the Channel Manager of the show you want to join. You must also be eligible for the position before you apply. To read more on it, you can go through this article:

Assuming Polish is the language you want to work on:

To first begin as a moderator, I suggest starting as a co-moderator. You can ask other Polish moderators that might be willing to guide you on the role. Each language might need a different set of requirements and skills from a moderator. Your best bet will be to contact another experienced Polish moderator and ask them to help you out on your first moderation journey. Before writing to the CM, make sure there’s already no Polish moderator on the team.

To begin as an editor, you must absolutely & absolutely be fluent in Polish. You must know the rules of grammar, you must know how to correctly spell; you must know how to correctly translate and construct a sentence that is readable in the video player.
To join as an editor, you need to contact the Polish moderator of the channel you want to work on. You can read more about editors here:

I hope this was helpful.


Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Checkout here more:


Oh, thank you so much!

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