Hello! I’ve been following this topic for some time and have gone through every point of view. Now, I will express my point of view as well, and hope I don’t offend anyone… especially since I have “many projects”.
The main problem Viki should solve, is not the number of projects, but who has access to this role. For my community, a limit on the number of projects would be a tragedy. We are extremely few moderators who fully understand this role. Not to mention that we are a very small community with few moderators anyway.
Theoretically, I can also be placed in this category of moderators with many projects. Practically, I think that’s not fair. Why? Because projects are not abandoned (I translate only by deadline and must be respected), are not translated at a poor quality level, I translate side by side with the team - even translating more than the team on some projects, all responsible volunteers are welcomed in the team and I invest all my free time in Viki. I also translate for other responsible moderators. So it can’t be said that I only enjoy being a moderator. At the moment, the number of projects where I’m just a subtitler, is higher than those where I’m a moderator/co-moderator.
Yes, it is a real problem the number of projects, when you have 60 unfinished projects and you keep applying for new projects (real case).
From the position of channel manager, I pay attention to the number of lines per project, if the volunteers in question has a subbing academy badge or if they collaborate with subbing academy coordinators/graduates, if they present their work transparently (luckily Viki gives us this possibility) and many others things. The number of projects is the last aspect that interests me.
As presented in that ticket, more should be taken into account about projects. How many episodes a project has, what is the length of the episodes, what is the release pace to all languages, how many people translate that project into a particular language. Personally, I’m a moderator on several projects where the pace of release for all languages is infernally slow.
Strictly related to the situation of my community, it would be very important that Viki provides us locally with the necessary tools/ways to limit the activity of those who have serious problems with the language they translate into. Unfortunately, they are even elected channel managers, while other responsible volunteers are not considered no matter how many projects they apply to. Why? Because apparently, from what I’ve noticed, Viki prefers volunteers with few projects. Recently I noticed that volunteers who had been inactive for days were elected managers. And they would probably still be inactive if they hadn’t been elected managers. Personally, I was shocked to see that I managed to get my first project as a channel manager, having already a number of projects as a moderator.
In conclusion, I do not want to imply that the number of projects should not be taken into account, but there may be situations when it is less important. And this differs from one community to another. Therefore, this number of projects needs to be better explained, but under no circumstances can it be discussed as an obligation.
I apologize if I deviated a bit from the main topic of the discussion and I hope I haven’t upset anyone.