Moderators who hoard channels

You’re back! I’m glad you are back! :wave:


You’re back! I’m glad you are back! :wave:

Thank you so much. I truly feel the sincerity in your words, and that makes me so happy.


This is not a complain, I just noticed that, obviously when it says it’s locked for segmenting it means the segmenting team is working on it meaning it’s probably that way better than having other people going in, it’s just I have not seen this before yet :wink:

It was a movie that got re-licensed. But when it’s locked you can’t also access team discussion or team notes.

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If you are a mod and you really want to see the Team Notes right now, you can also get in through the segment timer, as long as you don’t touch anything there and leave as soon as you got what you came for.

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I should have done a screen shot, the editor was indeed locked, the gray picture like when you do not have access… there were not tabs.

You can’t go in directly from the locked editor, but if you go back to the show page/episode and click on the scissors instead of the pencil, you should be able to get into the segment timer, as long as you are a moderator.
If you can’t get in there either while you are a moderator, there is another problem, in which case the error message you get will not be about the segmenters. It might say things like “this video does not exist” or something about the license in your area (because some areas may get it a little earlier than others). In those cases, it’s just a matter of waiting.
If you get the “this is a designated channel,” you are allegedly not added to the team, but of course, if you are, then it’s a bug.

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