Music you are listening to in any language (Except English 😂)


Another extraordinary presentation :heart_eyes: This is an incredible sound. A classical Chinese ensemble performing a medley of songs from Phantom Of The Opera. While they get a bit of orchestral help here and there, the performance is very, very impressive.


Ha!-ha! The poor drummer, no notes left for him to play, ha! He takes a nap. :laughing::smile:

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I have the whole soundtrack on repeat since watching the movie


It seems such a sad story, how, how can you listen on repeat? :worried:

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It was sad and graphic, but it was still within the tolerable amount for me (I would watch it again definitely).
Maybe it’s because the movie was constructed in such way, that you had some pauses between the scenes that were very emotional?
I don’t know, it was a good movie in my opinion.

There are definitely some songs, that I feel more emotional about in the soundtrack, because they are tied to some sad scenes, but not all of them are like that.

The soundtrack might be my favourite thing about this movie to be honest.

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Got ya! What we listen affects us psychologically. That was my major concern after watching, and listening. Even though, I have no idea of what was said in the lyrics, plus, I haven’t watched the film, sooo. . .

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Sadly, this video is unavailable.


This one is with lyrics, it’s rather happy.

The second one would be like that, also somewhat positive:


When the cold wind will ■■■■ here again,
I will catch the white clouds
And fly, fly far away

Above the small lake,
Above the small, quiet ravine.
The eyes of the deer, the soul of the wolf,
The human heart can create treasures with that (?)

I’m flying above the forests.
I’m flying above all the mistakes.
Above the acres, above the forests,
Above the stars, far away from here.

Echos of the human angry words
Stay far away, like a far away background.
Say what you want.
I can’t hear your voice here.

The warm wind will return
And carry me like feathers.
I will catch white clouds
And fly away, farewell.

I’m flying to the mountains,
To the see, to the dreams.
The soul of the wolf is ignited inside of me.
A lot of wounds and fractured skin.

From the sky I can see
I can see the whole wide world.
Why do I need those paper cutouts,
why do I need a small paper flower?

Hey, the familiar lands
Like dolls of laughing towns.
Oh my, it’s like this spring’s dawn
Is so comforting with the warm sunshine.

Is it like regionally restricted?


I’m assuming that’s clowns not towns? :face_with_hand_over_mouth: don’t let @ilikedeadclowns see that, ijs, based on her handle. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: And the stanza before, it’s sea, not see?

Same for me, as with @mirjam_465 It’s just flat out unavailable. :thinking:


What do you see, when you click that?

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It’s more of a clickable link, not playable in the thread. You’re likely sharing from your personal music subscription. @maria_lavendula_77 had the same sharing hiccup. It’s best to find a, or the copy outside your personal list.

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I don’t have any invisible links at the moment…:slight_smile: I had a look.


Looks otherwise to me, to me, without lyrics, it tells the tale of a young girl married off to a grandpa, while she passionately desires a lover her age.

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I only meant the lyrics.
The story is more or less what you described.

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It might be.


Are you asking for ice cream in Dutch? :thinking:

It’s another possibility.


:icecream: :yum: Yum! “I’m Just Saying,” yup! Dated acronyms, I know. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Here’s some Latvian chocolate ice cream for you:


I wanted to share some Swedish Christmas music… so I found a few