hello! i’m trying to write a story that is kdrama based. i already have part of it, but i dont know where to take it and how to make it kdrama themed. i know it wont actually become a kdrama, but it is fun to imagine yourself as the heroine, who gets to be with the boy but anyway, here is what i have so far:
the characters are about 18-19 yrs old, and the story i have so far is:
the main girl is ummm i don’t have a name for her, so let’s make it Kate for a placeholder. her family is poor, and so she is kicked out of her school when she is not able to pay for any fees for school. now, i haven’t developed this either, but somehow she gets to attend a university for free, and she has to move away from the parents because they ummm can’t take care of her and her little brother, so they live in the village, and she lives in an apartment in the city. i know, it’s weird. so then, obviously, when she moves to the apartment, there is a boy living there from across her. this is that main guy. he is there to take care of his grandma, because his parents have passed away? i haven’t figured that out yet. another girl lives next door to Kate, umm let’s say her name is…Lily as a placeholder. oh and the boy is Josh. the granny is Agatha. i planning on making Lily a backstabber, but idk. that is all i have, thank you in advance.
Being kicked out of her old school and yet start going on a university seems odd, unless you mean that she was at a university and got the chance to go to another university for free.
If she’s from a poor family, she wouldn’t be able to start living in an appartment in a city (where would she get the money for that?). She might start living at granny Agatha’s though if granny was rich and Kate became her in-home caretaker (maybe studying medicine or made a good impression on granny, or granny saw her and wanted to play a matchmaker, so she acts as if she needs to be taken care of). Or at a dormitory if it was part of the scholarship.
I hope your story becomes a show and we can see it on Viki!
i realize i need to clarify some things.
so, the grandma lives at the apartment with Josh. and yes, she kinda becomes the matchmaker of the two. and, anything can happen to the intro, but Kate has to end up in the apartment, and her parents are not with her. the rest can be changed. and last, Kate, Lily, Josh, and Agatha all live on the same flat. oh and, Kate has a bestie from the new university that she attends. the friend helps her with all the boy problems
what i need help with, is who should love who? and i need that kdrama touch to it, so that would be good to know as well.
She can probably go to a public school, those are free, or do self-study and go pass the state exams, and do so well that she gets a scholarship.
If it’s a Korean locale, then the only way she can afford a room is to get a part-time job as a waitress or a cashier at a convenience store, and get a room in a goshiwon: you know, those tiny-tiny rooms where there’s only space for a bed, a study place and a washbasin. No window, no kitchen, no toilet (it’s shared, outside the room).
As for the boy, in that situation, he and his grandma could live next door, in a regular apartment (not in the goshiwon).