Never mind :)


I think if some of your post are gone it is just because the whole thread (many threads) were removed, not because of your post in particular.


Germany does not have a lockdown (it is more a contact ban between people, although everyone is still free to leave the house at any point) yet plus we never had the death numbers you stated (you said we had 800 deaths! within 24 hours but that never happened, neither in spring nor now; we also never had 200-300 dead kids as you said plus the gun hoarding (in the USA) that was also mentioned but denied as true fact by you was true).

Fake news and false information was also an aspect and now even Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube moderate or delete topics that are related to the virus when someone posts misleading informations because the virus and global pandemic is just too serious to let misinformations spread unlimited within the internet and the world.

A special mental health hotline / page is way better for people who are in need of comfort than any random forum in the internet, especially in such times like now.

And for any topic you can use reddit, I guess there are also pandemic threads since reddit is made just for discussions for nothing else.

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Yayy! There is some use of my embarrassing first post in this community after all x), thought it would just lie around forever.
I agree mostly with @angelight313_168. I personally love discussions and even heated [civil] arguments, that’s even my default/norm in daily life, rather than small talk, though there are people who can’t have such discussions. The reason I thought the topic would have been tabu without reading the rules, was when I search for similar topics I only found some coronavirus fundraser thing (which technically is also against the rules I guess), so I knew something was up, should have consulted the rules. Also, I genuinely care about stuff happening around the world and often use discussion as a way to broaden my own views instead of trying to force others to think like me.

My question is that should certain topics be off limit because not every person can talk about them in a civil manner? What when there is a controversial kdrama or something? I have personally gotten hit in the face among scifi circles for saying Star Wars is crap and Star Trek is better, not joking, what’s there to prevent this sort of behavior not spreading. Most often the best way to deal with these kinds of problems is to talk about them openly and together find ways to mitigate them, instead of out right bans. Same goes for ppl posting “fake information” and other such tings. Usually the best counter is to show accurate provable data that disproves the fake stuff and if there are credible contradictory information, then you have an interesting discussion.

There’s my 2 cents for what ever that’s worth :slight_smile:


Totally agree :rofl:

@ some other aspects of your post; most topic/genre specific communities like VIKI don’t allow off topics and controversial real life topics, e.g. politics, economics, religions, corona are forbidden per default in all major gaming forums that are owned by big American studios (that I know) no matter if there was or wasn’t a heated discussion, e.g. when in one big gaming studio forums people only talked about what they’ll during during the lockdown at home, if they already lost their job etc. the admis (who are employees of the gaming studio) closed that thread and said it is not allowed to write about this topic because it is not game-related and too sensitive.

For people who just love to discuss because of having discussions there is reddit and there was 4chan and 8chan in the past (4chan and 8chan weren’t moderated at all and you can see the results in the real world that finally lead to a total shutdown of the page).

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Well, I don’t have those anymore. Also I don’t see why that has to be a reason for this community to copy paste other big corporations.


Probably because of the time that’s necessary to moderate properly.

The things you mentioned like posting verified facts/news won’t solve what’s called heated discussions because that’ll only work when someone thinks rationally and is open for verified facts.

Look at the streets; how many families and friendships are already torn apart because some ‘believe’ in religious like conspiracy theories while others in offical facts. When both tell each other their facts are the real ones … never ending story.

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Well, I don’t see that, but I guess that’s because my sociaty where I live isn’t that badly polarized. But I can see how that could happen. At the end of the day most of us are adults, I believe in taking responsibility for once actions and words. Why should everyone suffer because some can’t.

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I’m glad you mentioned that: why not tell the person that what they put there offends someone, and give them the option (to the person) to delete whatever it was? If the person won’t delete the message is different bc then the staff has the option to do so.

Why put a (many) flag in the comment so a ‘‘staff’’ sends you such a crude message? the message is not too respectful either and some staff get off hand when you want an explanation (which is rude and totally unprofessional).

Why instead of deleting the message for you, they don’t give you the option deleted it ourselves or rephrase maybe? @frustratedwriter as an elder deserves some respect too. Cowards hiding behind a flag bc they don’t even give us the option to see who flagged the comment, but yet we can see who gave us the the ‘‘likes/hearts/whatever?’’ Why can’t we know who is who in here?


Here, the real world no longer exists. In its place, a new one has appeared:

Drama World.

Welcome aboard. Glad to have you. :smiley:



Thanks! Exactly my point, at the time there was a lot of fake information and articles and too late I found out this articles were falsely made to get ppl to read them for money gain, but certain ppl here with the real issues, [but are in denial] use anything as an excuse to create conflict/unnecessary arguments, instead of trying to be civilized about it, and in a civil way (not attacking the person) make clear their points. If you noticed certain individuals make it sound like they are civilized about it but accuse ppl of having mental issues or that their country and their officials are corrupted but of course, their country is: oh so perfect…

I ask myself when are they going to face that they are the ones who need to seek help? bc being so bitter, negative and authoritative is in the end what keeps them isolated, and in the end, no one wants anything to do with them, and sincerely I don’t even feel sorry for them because they deserve everything that comes to them. The problem here is that they are so used to their controlled environment they can’t deal with the freedom we have in ours. Resentment? mirrored hostility to release their inner angered that comes from their feeling of emptiness and loneliness?

The worse part is that we are outnumbered here bc even when I write about freedom of speech I got insulted, flagged, attacked and even threatened by staff that my account might be suspended and they even made the new guidelines (topic you wrote about) that falls into my comments, and the next thing you know the attackers comments stay while mine got deleted. When I tried to put a complain against the person I felt was offending my country I couldn’t flag the individual’s comment, I couldn’t submit my complains until I tried to reach the CEO then all of a sudden my account was unsuspended and many of the offending comments from certain individuals were deleted. That’s what I call discrimination.

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Yup, I agree with most you write about, the answer to intolerance can’t be intolerance, imo. However, freedom of speech, offending other’s countries, first thing shouldn’t be to flag and report someone that I or you feel offends those things, but instead try to argue why things aren’t so etc. and accept when ppl can’t convince each other of the other’s view. :slight_smile:

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I have never flagged anyone’s comment no matter how much i might disagree with them. While mine got flagged and deleted, but when I saw the offending comments to my country (over and over again) were staying up here in discussion, that’s when I flagged the individual’s comment and even then, I was block in every way possible. To this day, they still here in discussion (of course [now] they might disappear).

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I see, that sucks :confused:, doesn’t sound fair


I just knew it would come to this point again.
I was quiet until now and this will be my only reply on this topic.

When back then in the old thread, someone would bring actual facts about a certain country, they got accused of “talking bad” or “being disrespectful” against the country, the citizens and/or the head of the state, when actual numbers were given and official quotes were referred to.
Discussions can’t happen when facts are understood as personal attacks.

Just now like @sonmachinima stated

People that are in special need these days, but what …?
Someone again takes it as an accusation, or not? And once again takes offense and starts to use this for making accusations on others. Now, no one needs to wonder why unfortunately it has become impossible to discuss on such a matter, because there is no way the discussion will stay factual, it is nothing but the sad truth.



Here you might see the reason for ‘that not working’ account issue:

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@angelight313_168, btw, you could try adding the 4 letter combo “GDPR” (it’s a EU law) into your delete message, in case you are from the EU. Usually they act pretty quick after that. Btw, why delete your account if I may ask?

I don’t see the problem, why rage? What’s the drama? What does it got to do with the current topic? Just mundane technical problems and if someone wants to delete his/her account then fine. Sorry, I might be missing something here :smiley:


That was a long time ago, but it enraged many here when I didn’t lol


It was more the opposite since many users told you to stay, including myself.

Since you weren’t there when VIKI decided to change its rules you cannot know what was going on at that time, including the different topics / posts related to the global pandemic.

Your ideas about ‘how to discuss’ did not work in this forum as others already mentioned in their posts and that (past) finally leads to new community / discussion rules; also because many in the community wish for a ‘real life issue’ free zone to have a space to forget the real life troubles.

Usually there’s always a relation between cause and consequence. Depending on the moment you look at it, you might see only the consequence but not the previous reason.


I’m pretty active all over, I have a pretty good idea of what where going on. Assuming otherwise feels a little condescending tbh. I may not have been there, but I have enough experiences, empathy and understanding of my own to know. That doesn’t mean I still wouldn’t want things solved in a better more constructive way. :slight_smile:

I get the real life issue free zone sentiment, I adhere to it occasionally myself, but personally as mentioned previously, my default is this sort of discussion rather than small talk. Real life stuff could be hidden in a obscure corner of this community so those that don’t want it don’t come across it unless they want to, I don’t see why others should suffer for banning rli topics.