Viki meltdown?

For me the inbox is unavailable sometimes, it says no messages but at the same time it shows red icons for new messages plus it changes the language when I click on VIKI main page links in discussions so I have to change the language back manually all the time (same with subtitles’ language).


I believe I’ve found a temporary workaround to get in to unlock/lock subtitles for moderators. Right Click on the Manage Video and open in a new tab. That seems to be working for now. You’ll be able to lock and unlock as well as send messages to team members.


Yes, I noticed that by accident, so I was able to finish it. Thanks for mentioning it :blush:

I decided to volunteer a lot less until these issues are fixed. But instead of having the issues fixed it seems to be getting worse. And I wonder if it ever gets fixed because Viki doesn’t see the coming soon bug as a bug while it is a bug (and it’s still there on some kdrama I watch). So how many of the other issues is considered a bug by Viki?


What’s the “Coming soon bug”?

It’s basically a bug, which Viki says it isn’t a bug, where new episodes are not available for everyone at the same time. And because of that I couldn’t always seg on my segging projects. Last sunday I found out " Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life" has this issue as well but not as bad as the others.

Read more about it here:


I see. I didn’t know that there was such a problem since I am neither a segger nor an English subber. So sad to hear about it though. It’s so disappointing for a segger to be unable to work on your projects…
Thank you for explaining, Dudie.

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I feel you because of Angel Dan… but by Hot blooded Youth it’s not so, that’s why I wrote you for helping me out :slight_smile:
Bit sad to read it’s still often again so for you :frowning:

I watched that Kdrama anyway and it was nice not being spoiled for once. Dan was too cute


Then I am glad :slight_smile:

For people who still don’t get the coming soon bug:

It must be up for somebody otherwise it cannot be 29% subbed. This is a project managed by Viki staff so Viki is in charge of the segging and English subbing. Maybe they will release it for everyone after a certain percentage of subs but that would be odd to me.

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Oh, wow. I actually went to see whether it was available for me or not. For a split second, it showed me the icon pic… and then coming soon. WOW! Interesting…:roll_eyes:

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Anyone else can’t find this drama on Viki; was watching Beautiful love: wonderful life got to episode 26 and now no more can’t even find this drama- same with judge vs judge. My watch history was totally cleaned out. What’s going on.?

I don’t know if watch history is “buggy” like other things are from time to time. Did you try your watch history on the main page? Normally the buggy issue will subside, but we can’t tell if it will be within minutes, hours, days, …
Hope it will pass for you soon.

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Can anybody else not post on Team Discussion? I keep getting “it needs to be approved by viki first.” What the…?

I’m talking about the project, I’m not using any “bad” language, I’m not off topic, seriously. What is this.

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Well, I only have an old project it works in that channel?
Are you an official member in the team? Is it a current on air project? I only remember reading somewhere that Viki would turn Team Discussion kind of “private”. Was it in the October update …

Here it is

I don’t know if this causes maybe another problem now …

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I added a list of the problems you guys encountered to the top of the post.
Have any of these problems been resolved yet? I can manage the episodes again, without problems and my inbox works, but everyone seems to encounter a different set of bugs at different times :sweat_smile:


Thank you for replying to me! <3

I am an official member, I’ve been on this team from the start. It is currently on air. So far, I could post and comment without any issue, it’s just today that I could do neither.

I’m guessing - and hoping - this is a bug that is resolved soon, but it’s so unnecessary.

Did your post have a link? That can cause problems. I had my posts go in moderation when I wanted to include a link or picture. When I complained to Viki staff about it they approved my message and it became visible.

Thanks for keeping track :slight_smile: Sorry for my late response.

After I’ve posted my ‘rant’ above, I tried to access sub tool but couldn’t. The next day, I tried to log in to Viki but couldn’t. When I finally logged in (later that day), before I could start watching or working, my PC crashed! I was and am still using Chrome browser. The crash happened 3 times during a 2-day period. I have no idea if it was due to Viki site issues or Chrome browser’s update or app conflict. I did a recycle, reinstall and reboot anyway.

After staying away from Viki for the following couple of days, I logged in again yesterday and all was well for about 4 hours, although I still had to refresh (server connection alert) many times. I managed to release one episode of a drama, and managed to post on TD/Disqus (I assume it’s still there and hasn’t disappeared. lol) But when I tried to continue with another channel’s episode, the video just won’t load for me. Neither did TD/Disqus.

So yes, issues still exist (for me), and for others who posted here. It’s good to know of issues affecting site users. Thanks to all who shared (and will continue to share) :slight_smile:

I am sure Viki engineering is having their own head-scratching moments. More power to you guys/gals. We look forward to a bug-free, issue-free Viki.

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