% of subs

There’s no topic for it, so thought of creating a small note.

1.How is it calculated?

% subbed for 1 episode = number of subtitles done / total subtitles

Total subtitles = total segments = D

2.Is the % in the subtitle editor the same as the % shown in the list of episodes?
Is the % in the list of episodes the same as the % shown in the video?

Not always because the updating of % can ask time.
The real % = % in subtitle editor
The one that is nearer to the real one = % shown when you click on the video and not the % shown in the list of episodes.

=> So if viewers don’t see the same % you see in the subtitle editor, it’s normal.
You can tell them to click on the video to see a more accurate % or communicate the real %.

3.How to calculate the % of subbing accurately for a mod or volunteer for 1 part? ©

3.1. Find how many subs to be done in 1 part = A

Ctrl + F: search for “add” or “add a subtitle”
Or the same word or sentence in your language that means “add a subtitle” = the basic sentence shown in each subtitle box before anyone enters a sub.

You have the number of subs to be done for each part = A

What’s its use?
-know how long it will take to fill one part or to sub an episode, if it’s a short part, etc… to organize your time.
Normally 1 part ~ 100 subs ~ 15 min-20 min-30 min-40 min

If I have a part of 80 subs and need a break of 20 min while doing a report: I know I can have time to sub this part and finish it and come back to write my report.

=> most subbers want to take the short parts and leave the longer parts when you communicate them the number of subs to be done for each part (on a googlesheet for ex:
Column 1 => part 1, p2, etc.
Column 2 => number of subs to be done)
So you have:

P1 | 100 subs
P2 | 130 subs
P3 | 94 subs
P4 | 78 subs

So it’s up to mods to communicate the number of subs for each part, but each subber can calculate it themselves.

3.2 Knowing how many subs you did in 1 part = B

Ctrl+F: your username - 1 (don’t count the one showing in the chat box) = B

=> at this point: B/A = the % shown on top of that part in the subtitle editor = C
=> could report the % of each part to calculate the % subbed for 1 ep.

In the case you edit, B being the numer of edited subs: B/A = the % of errors you fixed for 1 part
This % is not indicated on Viki.

4.How to calculate the % of subbing for 1 episode?

Since the % shown in the list of episode and the % shown when you click on the video are not always the real % (updating time), the only way for you to know the real % => wait for the updating to be done once the subbing part is finished or calculate it yourselves (automatic formula in a google sheet) and avoid looking at the main page of an episode to gain time.

4.1 Reporting each % for each part: approximative method
You need C (= % done for each part) so you have C1, C2, C3, C4 for each part representing the % of completion for each part.

Sum the % of completion for each part and divide by the number of parts.
If an episode has 4 parts:
P1: 100% subbed = C1
P2: 50% subbed = C2
P3: 0% subbed = C3
P4: 0% subbed = C4
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4 / 4 parts = (100%+50%)/4 = 37.5% => the episode is 37.5% subbed

If you have less or more parts, same:
P1: 20%
P2: 50%
P3: 0%
(20%+50%)/3 parts = 23.33% subbed for the ep


It’s useful when you work with googlesheets and copy paste the same formula from ep 1 until the end. It will calculate automatically without you having to write again the formula.

Important precision: if you take % to calculate another %, it will always be approximative.
To know the real % for 1 episode, you will have to use numbers of subs filled in each part and not their %.
Read 4.2 to calculate real % using bulk translation or the longer method.

4.2 Real %: calculate with real numbers and not taking % (taking a % is taking a truncated number) => accurate method

Either: enter Bulk translation, top left:
Number of subs done for the ep / number of segments =% subbed for the ep

Either (longer):
You need A for each part (number of subs done for each part) and the number of segments of the episode D.
(A1+A2+A3+A4)/ number of segments D = % done

The easiest and the most accurate way: bulk translation and take 2 numbers on top left, divide.

The one that could be the easiest if you work with googlesheets: since each subber indicates the % he did, use directly these % (but it won’t be as accurate as methods in 4.2).
Insert a formula to add them and divide by the number of parts.

PS: to have %, result × 100

I’m writting here bec if ppl tell me the same by pm x5, I’ll have to answer x5 by pm and your point could help others to understand it better.
I don’t mind if you post it here.

Read 4.2 title and the truncated part: it is approximative if you take % to calculate %.
To know the real %: read 4.2 and take real numbers.

I’m going to add the “approximative” info for 4.1
It’s not really clear if you underline this point.

Thanks for telling me!

I'm pale as a ghost so sun doesn't change my skin color. I've put all nighters this week, so my face is like a zombie one. Still have a report to finish this weekend, I see the sun from my windows... dozzing off

Nice job!
However, the number of subs doesn’t really reflect the time it will take. Some subs are just short and easy like “Come on”, “Who are you?” “You’ve worked hard” “Do you know who he is?” “No, I don’t”. If a part is made up of this kind of dialogue, it’s a breeze, even if it has more segments.
On the other hand, another part may contain a word which needs 15-20 minutes of thought and/or internet search to find out the proper translation. Or sentences which in English sound like translated Korean, therefore you need to 1) struggle to understand what they mean and 2) tweak them to make them intelligible in your language.
I remember, in Where Stars Land, I found soon enough what this new word meant, stanchion, because I searched it online and I also saw it in the video.
(stanchion: the pole holding up a temporary barrier which they string rope, heavy cord,
a chain, or velvet across to keep people in line)
But I spent half an hour looking for the Italian equivalent.

P.S. Take care of your health. My future grandchildren’s lives are at stake!

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Hahaha, when will I meet your 1st or 2nd son?? Aah… I have to plan a trip to Greece…

You’re right!
The time it will take to sub/edit is always variable.
New words, common/technical words, the number of it, have to take into account the research time as you said.

I would say the time it will take to sub is more predictable if you know in advance:

  • the type of drama you’re subbing: dramas with constant new vocab => fantasy, historical genre or specialized one (like the airport, medical, legal ones);
  • and/or have a good list of vocab to search for it without losing time or you already know or remember most of the vocab because you have some familiarity (familiarity comes with regularity of subbing or editing or watching or experience);
  • how much it is said in 1 box: long sentences or short ones? Sometimes, it shows you less than 400 subs per episode but you understand it’s 400 x 2 = 800 subs seeing how much they say in 1 box.
  • how tired you feel: less effective if you’re tired

And if you’re subbing around the middle/the end of the drama: most of the vocab has been seen at the beginning in general so it’s less probable to find a batch of new words appearing.

=> in that case, using the number of subs to estimate the time it will take to sub 1 part is not totally unreliable.

PS: short sentences could fill up to 15-25-50% of the subs in 1 part!