It’s me!!! lol
I got a lot of stuff to do today, crocheting mainly, but I gotta get back to doing genealogy
funny! now I got so much other stuff to catch up and to do!! per broken shoulder incident. so crochet has to take a back seat for now. so booored!! hehehe not at this tim e!!!
I love doing genealogy - I swear I could hear my aunt’s voice the other day when I was working on some stuff - hope your shoulder gets better soon!
and I miss doing that too! but one step at a time I guess, taking my time, doing the exercises so cant wait to get back in the “groove”
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To give you more of an idea of what it’s all about, click this post!
how to eat dinner with your four legged friend standing by
Hahah yes, seriously… don’t ask to hem pants
yep so true
Because of this pandemic I have been at home work until this month. I do this when I’m not tired:
- Learn or listen music
- Watch videos of curiosities from other countries
- Annoy my husband
- Solve sudoku or nonogram
- Social media
He has my sympathies
ummm I have a ton of books already
music, tea and DRAMAS
I owned a beagle - BANJO - Oh my gosh I loved that dog. But naughty naughty naughty he would steal food anytime anyplace anywhere. My dog now would not even dare take food even if it dropped. Banjo was just so BAD.
Look at this one!!
an awwwww moment
Mama Ruby will even carry her new baby around in her mouth, protecting the kitten from her rambunctious “siblings.” ![