which guy would u say is the BEST LOOKING from kpop? and 1 from kdrama? if u cant pick 1 pick your top 3.
MY BEST LOOKING FOR KPOP (allot of u probably already know xD) is BEAST’S/B2ST’S KIKWANG:
SORRY T.T i cant stop myself from putting so much pics, HELP!!
lol and the top kdrama guy… that’s kinda hard… GGRRRR,im gonna pick top 3 i will have to say:
Yeah yeah, top 3! It’s like I’ll have a top 3 of each drama AND K-pop group! Even so, love all your suggestions! But you cannot forget TOP, come on! And he’s not even my bais in BB!
xD i was planning to watch them (except millionaire’s first love,didnt know about that 1)
but yes, i will watch those after i finish all the dramas on recomendation for me righ now, i can see he’s real cute!
Hahahahaha yes! It was mine too! That one and Koizora (I know is not Korean) and I thought “If all the asian movies are like that I’ll literally break my heart if I keep watching them” xD
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I was gonna say almost all of those !!! GAAAAH lol dayum gikwang i love himmm and i love ALL of those guys and jung il woo (man! i wanted to say him too sooo bad but i wanted to leave some for the public haha