awwww xDD i LOVE when he has blonde hair!!! awesome i lovee them but yea im torn between the blonde and brown/black but yea i love the brown/black probably better. xD love the pics! so cute x)
i love this one
awwww xDD i LOVE when he has blonde hair!!! awesome i lovee them but yea im torn between the blonde and brown/black but yea i love the brown/black probably better. xD love the pics! so cute x)
i love this one
we could talk about him all day hahaha
sooo true aaaaah and i love your picture!!
he is just…
indescribable awesome!!!
yes,yes he is…
in school i´m just like:
but at the moment i´m sitting alone infront of my laptop, smiling like an idiot :))
HAHA!! lol i feel ya and that first gif is hilarious xD
people around:
ahhahahahahahahahahhah did I mention that I love you and your gifs ?
ahahahaha the gifs were just perfect!! … again smiling infront of my laptop
haha ^^
where do you find all these gifs??
just google Kpop gifs hahahaha
If you want a sad one of beast
Just “sad gifs kpop beast”
That’s what I am doing
haha love u and ur gifs too hun xD
ty xD
haha xD yea, pretty much what @dramaaaaa said. in google images you put “gif kpop _____”
__ = whatever topic your searching for. ex: cute, laughing,dance ect.
Did I seriously just watch 4 minutes of Go Mi Nam?!
lol yes,yes you did.
haha it was funny tho.i loved when he would say it, like some kind of trouble is coming.hahaa
Someone should just remake a song just about him saying Go Mi Nam haha! I still can’t believe out of the show it is filled 4 mins of just him saying Go Mi Nam… Don’t forget the other characters also say Go Mi Nam a lot too!
haha! how long would that video be??
Vampire… He don’t age -___-
thats JAEJOONG!!! awwwww omgg shndbjhsdbfnsmdf!@$#%^% he looks so cute and different there xDDD
awww !! my god this is unbelivable !!!
wonderful <3
i’m too like thats !!