
when you have the search bar problem, there is a solution!

You need set you site size smaller!!! This helped me and my sister too!! This was 90% for me and 75% for my sister.

I hope I can help to you! :slight_smile:

This isn’t a solution. It is a work-around. Viki needs to fix this.

Yes, you’re right, this is not the official solution. And VIKI has to fix this, But If I can help with this “firefight” solution for only one, than I’m happy. There is a lot of subber, who asked me, and this way I could help to them. So they are can subbing until this problem will be solved. So If there is only one person who I can help in addition to my friends, it was worth create this topic.

But I will edit my topic a little bit.

Oh I understand Szandra. You are right to have a way to help people. I just wanted to emphasize to anyone from Viki who might visit that we recognize it as a problem that needs to be fixed soon. I didn’t mean to sound critical of your message if that is the way I sounded.

For me, since I am always using a 24" monitor and have two pages open all of the time side-by-side, I just drag the page where I need it to make it wide enough that the search box pops back up to the top. After I do what I need to do then I readjust the size again. My old eyes don’t so so well with the size of the text being smaller, at least not for long periods.

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Yeah, I know what you mean! That’s why, I wrote, you’re right. :slight_smile: I create this topic, because of I throught, our problem will not resolved in the weekend by VIKI staff (I think they didn’t work in weekends). I hope our problem will be fixed the next week.

And I like when you complement it with what I write. Because for thus the whole is round. :smile:

tHIS search bar problem is really annoying!.. Hope they can do something soon