do you think that it will be done that fast? we are on viki. lol
I’ve got the same message, too!
Same… so.e days ago reported
Yeah, I reported it, too.
True, but I thought they would react to “spam” more quickly
They did. I (and many others) reported it two or more days ago and the spammer’s profile has been deleted (#del_1646955620#lovelaura443_467).
New viki account, - Looks like their Viki account is removed now, but their discussion profile is still up! but user only advertises.
They definitely bypassed the guidelines.
recieved a message about an interview couple of days ago and i ignored it
“i” before “e,” except after “c” Padmalayag
What about “neither”?
That was exactly my point. “Received” cause it’s after c, but “neither” because… So we have “ei” after other letters as well. Or is this rule based on the British pronunciation?
Anyway, our school never taught us such rules. We just had to learn the spelling of all words, hahaha.
Ditty, Song, Rule, or Acronym
In order to spell words correctly with the letters “c - e - i” in them, this ditty, rule, or song is used as a easy reminder wherever English is taught as a native language. @mirjam_465, it’s used the way flashcards are used to improve correct answers. If you will, it’s used as an acronym.
Yes, but if you were to follow that rule blindly, the word “neither” would be spelled as “niether”.
I think that rule only applies if the final combination of “i” and “e” is pronounced as [i:].
If you would attend the elementary school in US you’d understand… (That’s all I can say )
It's Really All, and Only About The Letter C 😉
Honestly it’s not complicated, if you hear the ditty in your head when you deal with words related only to the letter “c” Yes, the “i,” and “e” too, when all three are there, it helps to hear the ditty to spell the word correctly.
@bozoli, @mirjam_465
Did you learn this at school?
That is apparently not an absolute rule because of many other scenarios, such as those mentioned in the following article:
There is a saying that every rule has its exception. Or exceptions.
I’m happy the awful topic of this thread turned into something more fun. #lingonerds