In order to spell words correctly with the letters “c - e - i” in them, this ditty, rule, or song is used as a easy reminder wherever English is taught as a native language. @mirjam_465, it’s used the way flashcards are used to improve correct answers. If you will, it’s used as an acronym.
Honestly it’s not complicated, if you hear the ditty in your head when you deal with words related only to the letter “c” Yes, the “i,” and “e” too, when all three are there, it helps to hear the ditty to spell the word correctly. @bozoli, @mirjam_465
I’m glad you brought/posted that link since everything I do here I get crucified; so I refrained myself from doing so, although I felt it was a good point of mention. Thank you so much!
It’s really weird, but; have you noticed? when some threads change the topic if they were ‘‘dead,’’ or unpleasant, so they are ‘‘forgotten’’ (pushed to the side) most of the time, they can ‘‘resuscitate’’ into something more meaningful and productive. This one is a good example: We learned something new.