Recruiting Arabic Subbers

Hello everyone! I am currently the Arabic moderator for a few dramas that I am recruiting subbers for. If you are interested or know of someone who can be interested, please contact me.
Kindly note that “Good Job” and “Today’s Webtoon” require Viki Standard Pass.

The list of projects:
The Law Cafe | Korea | Drama | Watch with English Subtitles & More :heavy_check_mark: (
Today's Webtoon | Korea | Drama | Watch with English Subtitles & More :heavy_check_mark: (
Good Job | Korea | Drama | Watch with English Subtitles & More :heavy_check_mark: (

Sara :heart:


Hello, I would like to help the community.
I can subtitle from English to Arabic
I will be happy to your contact

hello sara
I am a new member on viki and I can help in translating from English to Arabic if it still available

Hello Sara,
I’m interested in being recruited as an English-to-Arabic subtitler.

Hey Sara
I am a big fan of Asian Drama and when a friend asked me for a Chinese Drama thant turned out to be not translated in Arabic
I had this big feeling to translate it for her
So if you give me this chance I’ll be so glad

hi sara, im shahad and i would like to be subber from english to arabic