December 31, 2013, 6:00pm
Hello Everyone!
We are looking for Spanish translators to join us in a variety of dramas and movies from different countries. Such as:
Let’s Watch The Meteor Shower . (C-Drama version of Hana Yori Dango).
Desperate Love . (C-Drama).
A new Cinderella . (P-Drama).
Pride and Prejudice . (UK-Drama). Team Closed. Thank you for volunteering!
Just One Summer . (Fi Movie). Team Closed. Thank you for volunteering!
Drifting Away . (Korean Movie) Only QC. Team Closed. Thank you for volunteering
Dragon Gate . (T-Drama). Team Closed. Thank you for volunteering!
The Asylum Session . (Anime Movie) Only QC. And many more.
If you are interested please let us know by PM here or leave your message, and we’ll send you more information.
Thank you and we hope to hear from you.
I can traslate and sub ingles->español. But I only want to work on k-dramas.
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I can do English to Spanish or Spanish to English. I’m pretty sure I can help this group .
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We are still looking for Spanish translators. We are recruiting volunteers for all the projects (Pride & Prejudice and Dragon Gate are closed. Thank you for volunteering). If you are interested please PM me or leave a message here. Thank you!
Toodles! ❀◕‿◕❀
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February 5, 2014, 10:16pm
February 5, 2014, 11:04pm
Hola! Me interesa ayudar subtitulando y/o editando en la peli Drifting away y en el drama turco Ebb and Tide - Medcezir. Gracias!
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February 6, 2014, 12:44am
Thank you for volunteering. I’m sending you a PM.
February 17, 2014, 12:18pm
I can help with the spanish sub! english-spanish, spanish-english!
February 17, 2014, 9:02pm
Hi, thank you for your interest! Could you tell me what project do you have in mind? Please PM me here , as I don’t check the topic that often ^^
Hi mya, I can help you with The movie ‘‘the Asylum Session’’ English-Spanish ^^ Send me a PM.
I want to help I love helping if u still need people tell me
June 8, 2014, 6:35pm
Hi Mya! Are you still in Ebb and Tide?? I you need my help, contact me. See you!
Hello there!
I can help with “Desperate Love” or “Let’s watch the Meteor Shower.”
Please reach out to me if you need me.
January 22, 2025, 5:18am
Hi everyone! I can translate from English to Spanish. I’d be happy to work on any project. Contact me!
Hola a todos! Puedo traducir del inglés al español. Estaría feliz de trabajar en cualquier proyecto. Contáctame!
Available for English ↔ Spanish translations! Let me know if you need help.