Segging academy

Je voulais savoir se que signifie “video selections”.
ça veut die que se sont des cours en visoconférences?

Are you asking about how the Ninja Academy goes?
No, it’s not via videoconferences.
Your sensei will give you the relevant information through a message and a video in which you will work a specific amount of minutes. The video will probably change each level in the academy.

Does this answer your question?


Oh ! Yes
Thank you for taking of your time to repons to my question .
Thank you very much
Have a nice day😊

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You are welcome :smile:
Have a nice day too

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If I may, what do you mean by giving relevant information through a video.
I’m really sorry to bother you with this.
thanks in advance😄

What feyfayer meant there is: every student is being assigned to a different sensei per level. There’s first the sandbox and then 5 other levels, to finish there is a finale exam to see if you can be graduated.
For each level, you’ll have a video to work on with your sensei. You’ll be asked different things (observation, segmenting, adjust segments, and so on) and then will have to send a message to your sensei saying you’re done with your assignment. After that, your sensei will review your assignment and will let you know what you have to improve and what you did well (with different explanations and some advices).
All informations before starting to work on an assignment are given by the person who will give you your assignment (the video on which you’ll be working) and who will let you know who’s your sensei for each level.
But you’ll see all that only once you’ll start the academy.


Like what @deval_chloe said. You will get the information you need from the sensei in each level. The video you’ll work on is a video on Viki and you’ll also have Youtube videos you can watch.


Ah ! I understand now .
Thank you very much of your responses :slight_smile:
Sincerely, thank you very much :hugs: