Segmenter seeking work!

Segmenter seeking work! If you are looking, let me know!

P.S: My small dream on Viki is to be a Channel Manager, however :confounded: that dream seems very far away.


Hi, thank you for your help as a Segmenter in the Secret Love Spanish telenovela…

This drama needs a CM apply bc you never know. It might not be as far as you think. Good luck.
PS. I hope is not restricted in your area.

In my pov, if you’re stating that about yourself, you’re in the good way:

  1. you seem to actually care
  2. You ask yourself a good question
  3. You have a critical view on you and things

People who can think like that are rare.
The minimum stated by viki is 3k contributions:

You can always ask a manager to help you and see. It doesn’t cost anything.