Segue Cafe - meet up with friends to chat about whatever strikes your fancy


ok we got too much seriousness here, so how about cake & coffee??

////////////////////////////////////////////could use this one for a bridal shower

aawwwwwww they blocked out FB


how about a watermelon cake?? real watermelon here

enough for today


I find that the names may not match the celebrity’s profile picture, in Categories, (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆ here:
!Watch Korean Dramas, Chinese Dramas and Movies Online | Rakuten Viki
Am I right?


They all seem to match to me. Granted, I am not 100% familiar with all of them, particularly C-actors.


Oh! :smile::sweat_smile: Okay! Thanks!


Haha! @mirjam_465! :smiley:! Congratulations!! :joy::joy:
You’ve finally got your profile picture up! You’ve gone from different shades of a silhouette, of gray, and silver. Now, you’ve got your pop of color! :relaxed::relaxed:


My neighborhood in Rochester is a modest neighborhood built in the early 1900s by George Eastman for workers at Kodak. It’s an ethnically diverse neighborhood. My neighbors are solidly working and lower and middle-class folks. People are generally friendly to each other and watch out for each other. However, since Memorial Day, I cannot count the number of times I have been wakened in the middle of the night by the sound of fireworks, the signal that folks selling drugs are either out on their front porches or sitting in a car somewhere, ready to distribute. Food insecurity (especially for women, children, the elderly, and people of color) continues to be a problem in the city that was the home of Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony.
Life just sucks right now for everybody, and there have been days when the suckiness has been distracting and depressing.

When I read this it broke my heart, but little did I know I would be facing the same thing just a few days ago, and I’m practically a prisoner in this apartment complex that was just remodeled only for me and my kids to have to leave bc it has become a DRUG DEN and you see the coming and going and exchange of drug deals. Some of my neighbor won’t even open the door out of the fear they have, and some of my neighbors joined this people and are working for them. I ask myself; why this happened so suddenly and who is behind this nightmare? I dared to put a camera in my door and it only brought more DANGER into my life since I became an ‘‘outsider’’ I try seeking help, but nor the cops or even the Mayor is reaching out to help us (so far). I’m requesting a transfer and hope I can leave this hell hole as soon as possible. This thing is going on in other buildings too. so is not only the building I live in. Stay safe and MAY GOD help us all. I hope it doesn’t become a worldwide thing bc it will destroy the future of our future generations to come.

PS. Forgot to mention they ‘‘burned’’ my camera and my phone. I had to get another phone, but when I tried to report about the camera to the police they never showed up to make a report. If you can’t count in the law; that says a lot to me now.


@entwyfhasbeenfound @angelight313_941
How terrible for you both! Drugs are so terrible! Keeping you in my prayers that law enforcement can catch these creeps and put them in jail, and that your communities will soon be rid of drugs. Prayers for your safety.


Does anyone know if the “Live Shoot” system for drama productions is still happening in South Korea? Or has it gone away for good in the wake of COVID-19?

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Thank you so much! GOD bless you for that. We sure can use those prayers; that’s all I do day and night (besides looking for another place to move to). I think the main culprit there was the legalization of Mariguana and the greed to make money. It was never/ever like this, It feels so unreal.


anyone remember the song?



Wish I had an answer for you, in the meantime, here’s something to quence your thirst, memory lane.

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I think not so much for the pandemic, but the tensions of wars in the air. Although we don’t hear much, plenty is going around us that we need to Keep on guard to protect every citizen. I watch a lot of youtubers walking through SK, and I’m shocked how empty the streets are, and this was going on; way before the tragic Halloween incident; things have changed drastically in SK way before the pandemic
It can also be caused by the bad past situations like
In Korea, often the biggest expense is the appearance fees of top stars who are often necessary to generate interest in a drama and get it made. In some cases, payments to the actors can take up as much as 55-65 percent of the entire budget, compared to is 20–30 percent in Japan, and approximately 10 percent in the U.S., where drama production companies tend to avoid casting famous actors to keep their costs down. Everything else, including salaries of lesser-known actors, extras, and technical staff, location rent and other expenses, have to be covered from the remaining amount. It is not uncommon for production companies to overrun their budgets after already paying the stars and cannot pay other salaries. In 2012, actors held a demonstration in front of the KBS’s headquarters to protests this situation.

Actors are usually paid after the last episode is aired at the end of the month. In series made by smaller production companies for cable channels, there have been cases where the companies went bankrupt and could not pay their actors and crew, while the channel denied all responsibility, claiming all liability was with the bankrupt production.

“The live-shoot system has led to harsh working conditions for the production team, including the actors/actresses, due to tight filming schedules, last-minute script changes and scripts being received page-by-page. For example, the actor, Joo-won, said that in his recent hit drama, “Yong-pal”, he might need to continue filming without sleep for six days and get IV shots between scenes to boost his energy. The live-shoot system can easily lead to accidents as well. Due to the time pressure, an episode is edited into six to seven 10-minute segments which are sent off to the TV network for airing, which may lead to broadcasting accidents like the screen going black for 10 minutes in episode 19 of the drama, “Man from the Equator”. Members of the production team, including the actors/actress, may get hurt more easily, especially for action scenes, due to lack of sleep.”


So, are there groupies in K-Pop? I see a lot of talk about Saesang fans, but the tone is always negative. And from what I have read, the K-Pop stars don’t interact with the Saesang fans? So I don’t feel like Saesang fans are groupies like we have for music acts in the West. I just watched a documentary about groupies from the 1960’s-1970’s rock n roll scene, so that got me thinking if K-pop had groupies.

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!The Study of the Week Looks Back and Asks One Question

A follow-up to the above quote.

New WHO International Health Regulations concerns - YouTube


want some watermelon??


Holy moly!


my same thoughts!!




heres more



#salad #fruits


I don’t think I would cut into it, its awesome!!