Segue Cafe - meet up with friends to chat about whatever strikes your fancy

Now I have seen it all… A Pizza wedding bouquet! Actually, it looks rather attractive, but I don’t think I would want to have the scent of pizza wafting over me as I walk down the isle. Also, I would be terrified of getting a stain on my wedding dress.


Brides get the chance to carry a pizza bouquet instead of flowers

I have seen ridiculous stuff in my life …but a pizza bouquet? :rofl:. It’s hard enough with regular clothes to keep from spilling; imagine a gorgeous white wedding dress?
The thought of smelling the strong odor of pizza, it’s even worse to imagine on a wedding day. I think only an owner of a pizza place would have no issues doing that and actually enjoy it. lol



I know, right? I wonder if anyone entered the drawing- the article doesn’t say. I doubt they had many entries.:laughing: It is amazing how the food stylist was able to make flowers out of the pizza dough and sauce, though.




ok everyone, I need your help. I am getting messaged from "Kim woo bin, is it really him? it says from his page and all, I got something like this from wookie last year, is it them, or ??? seems like he wants to
here is some of the messages I have gotten

keep in touch as well. but stil, I am sckeptical uncertain etc etc etc. so any help greatly appreciated

Kim woo bin live page is responding to a comment you made on their Page. View comment.


Kim woo bin live page

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Mary Ann Grether commented
bless you kiddo, a senior citizen from USA

See comment


Kim woo bin live page

Kim woo bin live page

Thank you for your support always


Thu 1:24 AM

Kim woo bin live page

Kim woo bin live page

It’s a great pleasure for me to have a fan from USA,I’m looking forward to know you better


Thu 9:15 PM

Kim woo bin live page



Kim woo bin live page

Kim woo bin live page

How are you doing ?


6:35 AM

You sent

I am fine


3:34 PM

Kim woo bin live page

Kim woo bin live page

What you up to today?


You sent

trying to keep warm


You sent

crochet, genealogy stuff like that


Kim woo bin live page replied to you

Original message:

trying to keep warm

It’s cold over there right


Kim woo bin live page

Stay safe and stay warm


Kim woo bin live page

Kim woo bin live page

I hope we can keep in touch better,I really want to know you


You sent

ohe thig, i want to know is this really you, or is this a spammer using Kim woo bin? I got another message from another actor, ane with all this scammong stuff gping opn, I am just not certain If it is you of course would love to keep conmtact.

bad people trying to spoil my career

Seen by Kim woo bin live page at 3:41 PM|14pxx14px


Kim woo bin live page is typing

Write to Kim woo bin live page

Omg lately I’ve been dealing with lot of bad people trying to spoil my career


Kim woo bin live page

I got a lot of reports I’m try to end this,my fans has been victim of bad people impersonating me


ok now lets see what does happen here. y’all sorry this is so messed up, but I really hope y’all can help me with this


I hate to disappoint you @frustratedwriter, but from what you sent it looks like an impersonator to me. I don’t know that much about Kim Woo Bin but from what I understand his English language skills are pretty good, so I’m a little suspect about the bad grammar in some of the replies. Also, I find it suspect that he keeps repeating the same phrase of “wanting to know you” over and over. That feels more like what scammers do. Also, “bad people wanting to spoil his career?” I am skeptical. I would definitely proceed with caution.


thank you so much, now guess what he/? responded today, Darling and something else, so with you telling me this, and yes I do recall he speaks very good english, and this person didn’t.

I blocked him today,

thank you so much. wish whoever wouldn’t do that with any actor or actress!

this is twice for me


just that little act of kindness, be it a smile, phone call, giving a crochet item, or sewing, a flower, whatever, plant those seeds of kindness, it does go a long way!!



You are welcome, @frustratedwriter. I’m sorry that you have been the target of scammers. Anyone can message you from a Facebook Live, so you still have to be careful. “Darling?” Oh, my. Yes, you did the right thing to block him. Obviously a scammer. I’m very sorry this keeps happening to you. These scammers have a nerve. Well, let’s be real: Any free time KWB has he is going to spend it with Shin Mina, right?


so glad to have froends like you, keep me straight!!!

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This is an interesting life story. He did not know he was adopted by his black, and korean parents. More surprisingly, he was born in Korea.


aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh wonder if genealogists would have a problem researching that family? nope not me, not gonna touch it!

1 Like



A mouse, looking through a hole in the wall, sees the farmer and his wife open a package. He was terrified to see that it was a mousetrap. He ran to the patio to warn everyone.

-“There is a mousetrap at home!”.

The chicken that was cackling and digging says: “excuse me, Mr. Mouse, I understand that it is a big problem for you, but it does not hurt me at all.”

So, the rodent went to the lamb and he says the same thing: “Excuse me Mr. Mouse, but I don’t think I can do more than ask for you in my prayers.”

The mouse went to the cow and she said: “But am I in danger? I think not!” said the cow.

The mouse returned to the house, worried and dejected to face the farmer’s mousetrap.

That night a great noise was heard like that of the mousetrap catching its victim, the woman ran to see what she had caught.

In the dark she did not see that the mousetrap caught the tail of a poisonous snake.

The speedy snake bit the woman, the farmer immediately took her to the hospital, she came back with a high fever.

The farmer to comfort her prepared a nutritious soup, grabbed the knife and went to find the main ingredient: the chicken; Since the woman did not get better, friends and neighbors went to visit them, the farmer killed the lamb to feed them, the woman did not get better and died.

And in the end, the husband sold the cow to the slaughterhouse to cover the funeral expenses.

The next time someone tells you about their problem and you think that it doesn’t affect you because it’s not yours and you don’t pay attention to it, think twice, “he who doesn’t live to serve, doesn’t serve to live”.

The world is not going badly because of the wickedness of the bad, but because of the apathy of the good.

So when someone needs you for their problems, give them your hand or give them a word of encouragement.

May you never lack empathy!

Remember it very well, EMPATHY


Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson) – The story of the man who never gave up on his dreams.

Rowan Atkinson was born in a middle-class family and suffered terribly as a child because of his stuttering. He was also teased and bullied at school because of his looks. His bullies thought he looked like an alien. He was soon marked a strange and became a very shy, withdrawn kid who didn’t have many friends, so he dived into science, one of his teachers said. There was nothing outstanding about him. I did not expect him to be a brilliant scientist, but he has proved everyone wrong. Admitted to Oxford University during his days, he started falling in love with acting but couldn’t perform due to his speaking disorder. he got his master’s degree in electrical engineering before appearing in any movie or TV show after getting his degree, he decided to pursue his dream and become an actor so he enrolled in a comedy group but again, his stammering got in the way.

A lot of TV shows rejected him, and he felt devastated but despite the many rejections. He never stopped believing in himself. He had a great passion for making people laugh and knew that he was very good at it. he started focusing more and more on his original comedy sketches and soon realized that he could speak fluently whenever he played some character. he found a way to overcome his stuttering and his also used there is an inspiration for his acting. While studying for his master’s Rowan Atkinson co-created the strange, surreal, and now speaking character known as Mr. Bean.

He had success with other shows, Mr. Bean made him globally famous and despite all the obstacles, he faced because of his looks and his speaking disorder, he proved that even without a heroic body or a Hollywood face, you can become one of the most loved and respected actors in the world. The motivational success story of Rowan Atkinson. It’s so inspiring because it teaches is that to be successful in life, the most important things are passion, hard work, dedication and never giving up, because without caring about our feelings and weaknesses.

Moral of the story:

No one is born perfect. Don’t be afraid. People can accomplish amazing things every day in spite of their weaknesses and failures. So go and do the best you can with the one life you’ve got.


today there ois so much negativeism around the world, so I thought a couple of things like this could uplift us, encourage us. I hope its ok to put these on here today



Song Joong Ki announces marriage and baby on-the-way! Wow! This caught me by surprise. Seems like he and his bride have been together for a while, though. I read at another forum they have been dating a year. She is not of Korean descent and she is British- very interesting. I did not know SJK was so fluent in English. I think it is still rare to see native South Koreans marry people who do not have any Korean heritage (celebrities, anyway) Usually the spouse is a native South Korean or at least of Korean descent if they come from another country.
Anyway, Congratulations to SJK and his new bride on their marriage and pregnancy! Wishing them a lifetime of happiness together!


Marcus here! Also updates the real life news of marriages, and fatherhood for celebrities:
• Soong Joong Ki (w/photo of both couple)
• Hu Ge
There’s updates on:

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any one for cake & coffee today??


Ludwig van Beethoven


Piano Dessert! 🎶!



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