Segue Cafe - meet up with friends to chat about whatever strikes your fancy

That’s beautiful!

I’m glad your first competition experience was enjoyable. :martial_arts_uniform:


Oh my, what an idyllic atmosphere and picture :astonished: :heart_eyes:


Just read an article in the news: “Control AI before it controls you”. About the risks and advantage of AI and the correlation of possible outlook taken from this 70’s movie “COLLOSUS”. Checkout the trailer, I guess we can relate some things to today’s times… AI will in future surprise us and bring also problems…

I can only say “Quo Vadis” and then I’m thinking of the Matrix as well :sweat_smile: :rofl:


0 legs DOGS and cats pave PAWS not LEGS.

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Actually “you” have two legs. She did a similar post before, :joy: I happen to remember. :rofl:


supposed to count just YOUR legs & feet, 2

and yes I did some time ago

how many LEGS do YOU have??? 2


Well, same people answer, but I was hoping others joined in, too. I was trying to get ppl. to notice Frustrated writer posting, but I guess not. lol


As the saying goes: “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.”


excuse me, BUT if you add salt to said horse mouth , it will dring water, just sayin

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:laughing::clap:t5::clap:t5::smile: I love this! :rofl:

:notes: Iced Coffee :notes: Hot summer days tunes, for the Cafe. Look closely, that’s hangul on the cafe building on the thumbnail.


I’ve never heard such thing, is this a metaphor?? :joy:

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On the contrary, and based on this article, it appears this works.

Stimulating your horse's thirst

!Stimulating Your Horse's Thirst | HC Summers Feed & Supply - Jefferson, MD.

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Put a bunch of salt on your tongue, you’ll want to drink water as well.


I’m happy that I got further in the competitions than I expected, I advanced in the first part of the competition but went out in the elimination competition. I, who never expected to compete in a Swedish championship, did not give up even though I could have been better (nerves is the only thing I can say about that matter). I made a few mistakes but I can live with them, my dojo was happy with my effort. I’m tired but I’m glad I dared to compete in the first place. One in my dojo almost 80 years old managed to get his first Dan degree (probably the oldest one in Sweden to do it that age) which is a reminder that it’s never too late to start new things.

The last photo is from LBKs page. Linköping iaido, kendo, kyudo & jodo


Well Hello -

Hope that the weather is getting better -

Have a Hot Cocoa in the CAFE for me!


I got a “New User of the Month” badge, could anyone here explain what it is?
Only 90+ users here have it, I guess I’m lucky.


stress management

  1. Picture yourself lying on your tummy on a warm rock that hangs out
    over a crystal clear stream.

  2. Picture yourself with both your hands dangling in the cool running

  3. Birds are sweetly singing in the cool mountain air.

  4. No one knows your secret place.

  5. You are in total seclusion from that hectic place called the world.

  6. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade
    of serenity.

  7. The water is so crystal clear that you can easily make out

the face of the person you are holding under the water.

There – See? – It really does work.
You’re smiling already!

they missed a few, crochet, gardening, even walking. but I guess this list was more for “us” to get a laugh, I certainly did, esp for #7


There are badges given for various activities in Discussions, one of which that are given out to two new users who have been very active in their first month of joining.
It’s too late for us who went down the badge collecting rabbit hole after the first month so we can’t get that one. Well done in getting it.

Rabbit hole :rabbit2: :point_down: enter at your own (sanity) risk :joy:
Badges: Who thought they were a good idea, and where do you go to earn some of them?,


:notes: A neat Jam for the Cafe. :notes: