Segue Cafe - meet up with friends to chat about whatever strikes your fancy

this one is better, cause its fruit!!

a cool way to beat the heat


what ? a cake??


oh my goodness I couldnt pass this one by!!

I am just amazed at the craftyness of all these people with those talents, I think its amazing!!

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👉Cute Baby ❤️ 🎂🎂!


here kitty, here kitty!

y’all have a great day and stay cool


how about this for a baby shower??


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👉Cake world 🎂 👉Cake art 🎂

👉Cake lovers 💙 👉Cute Baby ❤️

wow 8 days and no one responded, so how about this one?


Hearts :heart: are also a response. :blush:


now thats better!! oopps sorry leerla73 course it is :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Melon Head Fruit Carvings It’s sad to think summer is finally coming to an end. It’s also sad that the best watermelons I’ve had all summer long were among the last I’ll have this year. At least I’m ending on a high #fruits #carving #carving


3 and this is a cake?? Favorite Cakes ·


and this is a cake??

Favorite Cakes ·




The fox… :heart_eyes:


cake anyone??


y’all I didn’t really know where to put this, but why not share it with our cake? have a blessed day!



Unbelievable! :cake:



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Exactly what a good “cuppa” does for me . . . helps me relax and reflect on good things!


miss seeing you ma’am

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ok trying to makeup, cake anyone??

11 hours ago ·

#Awesome #cake #art



Time Travel
Virtual reality is the closest we’ll come to this phenomena. Any thoughts?


Virtual reality isn’t even interaction with the real world (where time travel itself could/couldn’t exist) but only what the VR system is programmed to feed you.
Any immersion of historical event, either made up or with 100% accuracy can be experienced with or without the concept of time travel being required by pretending it into the equation.
I’d even go one step further and say do away with the restriction of VR and just use your imagination with pretense and knowledge of history!
After all, beyond the 5 senses how does Mind experience reality and what is required to understand the concept of time (hence time travel) if not for memory/knowledge through the senses. :thinking::dizzy_face:


:sob: Don’t break my bubbles @ninjas! :laughing::rofl::joy:

oh! What about when in a chat room, on Skype, you know, and on a telephone call, those could be considered part of the equation of time travel. The imagination used comes into play somewhat, but at the same time, it’s real reality, of what’s described, such as a tree, a plant, animal, or flower, :rofl: and humans are the same kind in different timezones. :wink: I’d say, :sweat_smile::laughing::joy::joy::rofl::sob: the day when what’s described on the other end of a call, chat room, or skype, is not the same :face_with_peeking_eye: is the breakthrough day. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Here’s another part of the equation, someone you only know virtually, physically introducing themselves, and acknowledging you by username, with proof! :face_with_peeking_eye:
In Alice the professor persisted, and made time travel a reality.


Started typing this reply about 3 hours ago then got side tracked into watching a bit of Alice as a reminder of the plot as I saw it some 2-3 year ago. :sweat_smile:

There is our perception such as time appearing to slow down when bored to tears or time goes by really quick when having fun, does that mean two people at a party, one is bored to death is behind time of the person next to them having the time of their lives. Would cheering up ol’ misery guts make him catch up in time? :joy:
And what of all the stars we see in the night sky is actually everything in the past as they existed bagillions of years ago and lots of them don’t even exist anymore! I suppose that could be “time travel” if the light we see here and now was emitted in the past? :man_shrugging:

It’s more than that. If we freeze time right now and examine everything that is occurring in the entire universe, from where every atom is, if there is energy like vibration what state it’s in, to where everything is in relation to each other is almost infinity. In the grand scheme of thing the entire universe has changed from one near infinity to another near infinity within an incredibly small measurement of time (My brain has melted just trying to think about it)
That’s why I prefer time travel stories kept to the simplest of simple like going back in time to save or erase someone with the consequences localised to a minimum but with a clever plot twist in them. :sweat_smile:



After your infinity run, this is my brain. :laughing::joy:

:smile: They do leave more room for the imagination. I had to go looking for these references, since Viki no longer has them licensed. But! Shows like Queen In-hyun’s Man / Queen, & I.
Nine: 9 Times Time Travel.