Segue Cafe - meet up with friends to chat about whatever strikes your fancy

leerla73, and the rest of you, Merry Christmas,



Thank you for reminding us that




Haha! :rofl: I was so busy, giving away Christmas hugs before it melted! :joy::laughing::joy:
I really liked that share for the season, so spontaneous, loveable, and alive! :grinning:
Thank you for making mines, and so many countless other’s Holiday season so much, more special!


:heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :star_struck:glad ty’all enjoyed


I hope everyone who celebrates had a wonderful Christmas. I was away, spending quality time with family. I never even touched my laptop for 5 days.


withdrawal symptoms??? hehehehehe


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Barely had time for that. :alarm_clock:


:raised_hands:t5::confetti_ball::tada::partying_face::partying_face::clinking_glasses::champagne: Welcome to 2024 :confetti_ball::tada::partying_face::partying_face::raised_hands:t5:



all righty now, someone served cake!!

ok lets liven it up a bit, your laugh for the day, served with cake & coffee!!

It’s 2024, I’m getting old and I still have so many unanswered questions!!!

I haven’t found out who let the dogs out

where’s the beef

how to get to Sesame Street

why Dora doesn’t just use Google Maps

Why do all flavors of fruit loops taste exactly the same,

or how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop

why eggs are packaged in a flimsy carton, but batteries are secured in plastic that’s tough as nails

what does the fox say

why “abbreviated” is such a long word;

or why is there a D in ‘fridge’ but not in refrigerator

why lemon juice is made with artificial flavor yet dish-washing liquid is made with real lemons

why they sterilize the needle for lethal injections

and, why do you have to “put your two cents in” but it’s only a “penny for your thoughts” where’s that extra penny going to

why does The Alphabet Song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same tune

why did you just try to sing those two previous songs

and just what exactly is Victoria’s secret?

and where is Waldo?..

Can you hear me now?..

and do you really think I am this witty?? 

I actually got this from a friend, who stole it from her brother’s girlfriend’s, uncle’s cousin’s who lived next door to an old class mate’s mailman!!!
laugh y’all

and happy New year!


Thanks for the chuckle. So many unanswered questions! :grin:

Happy New Year, everyone!

Happy New Year 2024 GIFs - Free ■■■■■■■■


I’ve got another for you. I believe I heard this on a George Carlin album.
If the little black box aboard a plane (used to record flight data and accessed after a crash) is so indestructible, why don’t they make the whole plane out of that material?
And Happy New Year to you as well. According to the Today Show this morning, today is the last day you can (according to someone’s etiquette standards) wish others a Happy New Year. LOL.


Happy New 2024 Year!!!


And a Happy 72hr old year to you @stardust2466 ! :raised_hands:


Haha, Mary your post made me laugh so hard and yes I started humming the Twinkle twinkle
 song :rofl: There were so many good points in particularly the “abbreviated” so long “shortcut” is thankfully shorter :wink:

Anyway, wishing you as well a Happy and Prosperous New Year
 One can only hope it will be better or at least not worse year than the last one. :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:


Those resolutions have me rolling. :rofl:


These are so hilarious!! Dr. Acula, Simon says and the Mayo Pudding, Who ever came up with these ideas must be a hella funny person!


a little act of kindness does go a long way


“I drive a school bus and have a 6 grader who I would like to talk about.

Last week he was talking about an elderly neighbor not leaving her house for weeks. I tried to explain how hard it could be for her to do things. On Tuesday I pulled up and he wasn’t at the stop waiting. I looked over and saw him shoveling her porch. I was early so I waited for him. The other kids asked why I waited. I said anyone helping someone deserves a few extra minutes. All the kids started asking him questions about his neighbor. The next day 7 children got on the bus with blankets, food and cards for the elderly woman. I delivered them after worked. Now everyday she stands on the porch and the whole bus waves good morning. I am so proud of him for stepping up and doing the right thing. He taught all the children something important. I smile with pride in my heart because of the extraordinary children I have on my bus.” ❀

Credit: ■■■■■■■■ / Nichole Elder

Also read a story about, “Teen’s Touching Sign Language Chat with Deaf-Blind Passenger on a Plane Warms Hearts” for an extra dose of inspiration! 💖

that also was an awesome story! was too much to put on here, so learning sign language may be a good thing!


I hope this one isn’t too long

”I was waiting in line for a ride at the airport. When a cab pulled up, the first thing I noticed was that the taxi was polished to a bright shine. Smartly dressed in a white shirt, black tie, and freshly pressed black slacks, the cab driver jumped out and rounded the car to open the back passenger door for me.

He handed me a laminated card and said: ‘I’m Wasu, your driver. While I’m loading your bags in the trunk I’d like you to read my mission statement.’

Taken aback, I read the card. It said: Wasu’s Mission Statement:

To get my customers to their destination in the quickest, safest, and cheapest way possible in a friendly environment.

This blew me away. Especially when I noticed that the inside of the cab matched the outside. Spotlessly clean!

As he slid behind the wheel, Wasu said, ‘Would you like a cup of coffee? I have a thermos of regular and one of decaf.’

I said jokingly, ‘No, I’d prefer a soft drink.’

Wasu smiled and said, ‘No problem. I have a cooler up front with regular and Diet Coke, lassi, water, and orange juice.’

Almost stuttering, I said, ‘I’ll take a lassi since I’ve never had one before.’

Handing me my drink, Wasu said, ‘If you’d like something to read, I have Good Housekeeping magazine, Reader’s Digest, The Bible, and a Travel + Leisure magazine.’

As they were pulling away, Wasu handed me another laminated card, ‘These are the stations I get and the music they play, if you’d like to listen to the radio.’

And as if that weren’t enough, Wasu told me that he had the heater on and asked if the temperature was comfortable for me.

Then he advised me of the best route to my destination for that time of day. He also let me know that he’d be happy to chat and tell me about some of the sights or, if I preferred, to leave me with my own thoughts.

‘Tell me, Wasu,’ I was amazed and asked him, ‘have you always served customers like this?’

Wasu smiled into the rear view mirror. ‘No, not always. In fact, it’s only been in the last two years. My first five years driving, I spent most of my time complaining like all the rest of the cabbies do. Then I heard about power of choice one day.’

‘Power of choice is that you can be a duck or an eagle.’

‘If you get up in the morning expecting to have a bad day, you’ll rarely disappoint yourself. Stop complaining!’

‘Don’t be a duck. Be an eagle. Ducks quack and complain. Eagles soar above the crowd.’

‘That hit me right,’ said Wasu. He continued and said, ‘It is about me. I was always quacking and complaining, so I decided to change my attitude and become an eagle. I looked around at the other cabs and their drivers. The cabs were dirty, the drivers were unfriendly, and the customers were unhappy. So I decided to make some changes. I put in a few at a time. When my customers responded well, I did more.’

‘I take it that has paid off for you,’ I said.

‘It sure has,’ Wasu replied. ‘My first year as an eagle, I doubled my income from the previous year. This year I’ll probably quadruple it. My customers call me for appointments on my cell phone or leave a message on it.’

Wasu made a different choice. He decided to stop quacking like ducks and start soaring like eagles.

Have an eagle life ahead


I hope we all decide to soar like an Eagle and not quack like a duck 🩅🩅

thank you Patti Huckaba for the share 💕”

Credit: Summer Grace Vanni